
18 Jun 2024

Crime Is Down In The Bay Area, Why Are People Pretending It’s Not?

I remember my first day of Sociology class, Dr. Schutz, still one of the best professors I ever had, asked the class if we knew that the highest recorded homicide rate in United States history ever recorded by the FBI was just a 45 minute walk from the heart of

Abraham Woodliff - Bay Area Memelord 0
28 May 2024

Why Recalling The Mayor Won’t Fix Crime In Oakland

The recall effort against Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao is progressing, with the group behind it, Oakland United to Recall Sheng Thao (OUST), claiming they’ve collected over 30,000 signatures. This exceeds the 25,000 needed by July to qualify for the November ballot. Brenda Harbin-Forte, OUST President and retired Alameda County judge,

Abraham Woodliff - Bay Area Memelord 0
10 Jul 2024

This Literary Magazine Release Party Will Be Epic!

The Huge Release Party for the Literary Magazine In case you haven’t heard, we just put out an incredible literary magazine called The Dreams I Dreamt: Letters to San Francisco thanks to a grant from the Civic Joy Fund. It’s a gift to San Francisco, where 19 of The City’s

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
11 Apr 2024

A Police Officer Taught me How to Steal a Car

The craziest fuckin’ thing happened to me on Monday and it had nothing to do with the eclipse. A police officer showed me how to steal a car. I’m dead serious. Right around 10:30 a.m. in the morning as folks were readying themselves for the eclipse, I was sitting inside

Katy Atchison 0
26 Dec 2023

Garret Doty Acquitted In Marina District Pipe Beating Case

Violent crime is rarely random. Despite this, media organizations often depict acts of violence out of context in order to scare the general population and ultimately drive traffic to their respective sites and use whatever happened as a way to bolster their political objectives.  The case of Garret Doty is

Abraham Woodliff - Bay Area Memelord 0
22 Aug 2023

So, Violent Crime Is Up Under Brooke Jenkins…

Imagine you’re a gang member in the most stereotypical sense possible. Like you’re a caricature for Fox News to scare boomers from ever stepping foot outside of the suburbs. You’re sitting in your house. There’s a gun stashed under the bed, a shoebox stuffed with roughly $6,000 in cash and

Abraham Woodliff - Bay Area Memelord 0
11 Jul 2023

How Richmond Went From Murder Capital To Progressive Success Story

When you think of Richmond, California, what do you think of? Most people think of violent crime, poverty and pollution. But there’s a lot more to the City of ‘Pride and Purpose’ than negative headlines.  In the last 10 years, Richmond’s reduction in homicides and other violent crimes is nothing

Abraham Woodliff - Bay Area Memelord 0
04 Jul 2023

Why San Francisco ‘Doomfluencers’ Suck

It was Winston Churchill who once said “never let a good crisis go to waste,” and apparently a ton of narcissists within commuting distance of San Francisco took Winston’s advice to heart.  I want to make something abundantly clear: San Francisco has always struggled with high rates of income inequality,

Abraham Woodliff - Bay Area Memelord 0
13 Jun 2023

It’s Time To Ban Self-Driving Cars In San Francisco

San Francisco is probably America’s most undriveable major city. This isn’t news to anyone who has ever found themselves behind the wheel here. There are streets in San Francisco that look like walls, enough traffic to turn a pacifist into a psychopath and cyclists who think they’re invincible. It’s a

Abraham Woodliff - Bay Area Memelord 0