drag queens

Richmond Church Volunteer & Alleged Child R*pist Not A Drag Queen
Richmond Police arrested 37-year-old Miguel Angel Villalobos for *allegedly sexually assaulting a minor. A number of additional victims may go on record, according to investigators. The predator *allegedly sourced his victims from the multiple Bay Area churches where he worked, including Queen of All Saints Church in Concord and Saint

Nine Gay Bar No-Nos
1. Messy queens. You know who you are. Ten bucks says you’re reading this hungover. Messy queens are not specific to any gender. It’s anyone who doesn’t know when to stop drinking, smoking, sniffing, twirling. Avoid acting wild and winding up on a stranger’s Instagram story. Look after your friends

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

Drag & Trans Performers Give The Real Queer Sex and The City Re-boot We All Wanted
And just like that, drag queens saved my life. Not that my life was in danger, besides the general impending doom that exists in the world today around queer and trans people. What I mean to say is, last night drag performers made me full-body cackle for two hours straight and it was the purest joy I have experienced in a long time.

5 San Francisco Places Crucial to Drag Legend Doris Fish
If ever there was a time for Australian legend Doris Fish and her circle’s story to be told, it is now.

Nine Reasons to Never Give Up on San Francisco
San Francisco is objectively beautiful. In San Francisco, you can still get lost in the woods. Mount Sutro cloaks you in eucalyptus groves until you reach the summit crowned with its eponymous Tower. Glen Canyon slices the hills south of Twin Peaks, the creek that cut it still running its

America’s Latest Epidemic: Suicide
When I was considering suicide, a rare cause for laughter was UNHhhh, starring drag queens Trixie Mattel and Katya Zamolodchikova. They met and competed on RuPaul’s Drag Race, season seven. The notoriety they achieved online however has far eclipsed their respective runs on Drag Race. The popular YouTube series, edited

SF Chinatown Showgirl Cynthia ‘Empress’ Yee Is A Living Legend
“I think people come to Chinatown because they expect a Disneyland atmosphere,” Cynthia Yee says. “When they see it’s just a neighborhood, a community with restaurants and daily life, they wonder.” Yee is a tour guide with the award-winning Chinatown Magic Tours, but she was once herself at the center of

San Francisco May Have a New Office of ‘Drag Laureate’
Well this is absolutely delightful! San Francisco is considering creating the office of Drag Laureate. Yesterday on SF Gate, Peter-Astrid Kane (also a contributor to this website) wrote that the “Bay Area Reporter noted the idea was one of many in S.F.’s ‘LGBTQ+ Cultural Heritage Strategy,’ a 2018 report that was revised