
FREE Yoga and Goodies in Central Park
Say hello to the official start of summer with FREE yoga in Central Park Tuesday, June 22nd at 6 pm. It is fixing to be the most well attended yoga event (ever?) ‘“ 10,000 people plus from all skill levels and experience. The only difference is instead of being crammed

BKLYN Yard: Your Ultimate Outdoor Drinking Destination
There’s a lot of things about New York summers I look forward to. The return of free barbecue, outdoor movies, late night bike rides, and mostly importantly, the Yard, BKYLN Yard that is. The name pretty much sums up this Gowanus dance-fest watering hole. While no one can really brag

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

A Broke-Ass Guide to Free Music
Keeping up with new music can be an expensive and exhausting process. I love going to shows and hearing about new bands but sometimes it feels like you go out of town for a week and Pitchfork is predicting the second coming. Conversations morph into a bizarre form of one-up-man-ship

Gary Lucas and Bruno Galindo FREE at BamCafe
The good folks at Flavorpill say “Called ‘œthe thinking man’s guitar hero’ (The New Yorker), Grammy-nominated guitarist Gary Lucas is best known as the front man of Gods and Monsters and co-composer of Jeff Buckley’s anthem ‘œGrace.’ Catch him at BAMcafé Live with renowned Spanish author and spoken word artist

$5 Summer BBQ Blowout
This is a pretty weak effort on my part but I’m buried in packing and super stressed out. I don’t wanna leave you hanging though, with no free or cheap goodie for the day so I’m reposting what sounds like a pretty awesome BBQ DIRECTLY from the folks at Flavorpill: