Gay Pride

08 Jul 2024

The Darker Side of Pride

The days leading up to Pride weekend were like the drawback of a tidal wave (Pridal wave?). In preparation, we cut two industrial-sized buckets of limes, around three days’ worth. We stacked boxes on boxes of beer and seltzer in the walk-in, evacuating our supplies to higher ground. By Thursday night, we were ready. A coworker and I earned the privilege of clocking out early.

Jake Warren 0
09 Jun 2024

8 Complaints About Being Gay in San Francisco

It’s a sin when success complains. That’s how I feel as a gay man who moved to San Francisco from what Californians affectionately call “flyover country.” It’s pretty damn great, living here. So what if everything closes at 2am (#4) and there aren’t any bathhouses to go to (#5). Compared

Jake Warren 0
10 Jul 2024

This Literary Magazine Release Party Will Be Epic!

The Huge Release Party for the Literary Magazine In case you haven’t heard, we just put out an incredible literary magazine called The Dreams I Dreamt: Letters to San Francisco thanks to a grant from the Civic Joy Fund. It’s a gift to San Francisco, where 19 of The City’s

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
06 Jun 2023

Is Your Company Secretly Funding Anti-LGBTQIA+ Hate?

I’m going to let you in on a little secret; America is a fuckin’ joke, and corporate America is the biggest joke of them all. An example of the type of fuckery that our corporate comedians conjure up as a result of their obsession with watching the world burn for

Abraham Woodliff - Bay Area Memelord 0
Sunbeams shine down a San Francisco alleway.
07 Dec 2022

Nine Reasons to Never Give Up on San Francisco

San Francisco is objectively beautiful. In San Francisco, you can still get lost in the woods. Mount Sutro cloaks you in eucalyptus groves until you reach the summit crowned with its eponymous Tower. Glen Canyon slices the hills south of Twin Peaks, the creek that cut it still running its

Jake Warren 0
28 Jun 2022

San Francisco Pride: Staving Off The Comedown

A San Francisco Pride Experience Judging by looks alone, San Francisco was more than ready to party. An LED rainbow beamed up Market Street from a scissor-lift platform stationed in front of the Ferry Building. The leeward hillside below Sutro Tower bore an inverted, bright-fuschia triangle. It shone hot-pink at

Jake Warren 0
24 May 2022

Why London Breed Chose The Police Over The Pride Parade

San Francisco is a city of symbols. We’re iconic for a bunch of shit we don’t really live up to. The current situation London Breed has found herself in relation to the LGBTQIA+ Pride Parade is emblematic of the issues facing San Francisco itself If you’ve been following national media

Abraham Woodliff - Bay Area Memelord 0
13 Dec 2017

Everything Trump Has Done for the LGBTQ Community (Spoiler Alert: It’s Not Much)

By Kate Harveston All of us are familiar by now with the string of empty campaign promises that have come to define the Trump presidency. Trump has sought to deliver some of the things he promised for his base. His efforts have largely failed on those issues, and Trump has

Guest Writer 0
19 Jun 2017

A Straight Person’s Guide for Attending Pride

Hooray! It’s Pride Month in San Francisco. The rainbow flags are flying proudly on Market Street, queer people are coming from all over the world to experience our friendly, little city and it seems like there might be fornicating gay unicorns around every corner. If you’re a straight person who wants

Heather Robinson - Artisanal Trouble Maker 0