
22 Apr 2024

Real-Life Miracle Occurs Aboard San Francisco MUNI

A miracle occurred on a San Francisco MUNI bus yesterday.  On April 21st at approximately 7:30 PM, Reddit user Scoofy was nearing the end of a long journey. One reasonably expects a MUNI bus “chock full of folks from all walks of life” to be loud inside. It’s partly why

Jake Warren 0
14 Nov 2010

Virgin America Headphones – Well Worth the $2

I’ve been flying Virgin America a lot lately.  It flies directly to most of the place I have to go (San Diego, LA, NY) and it’s as cheap as any of the other airlines.  Seriously, why the fuck would I spend a 5.5 hour trip to NY on a janky-ass

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0