High Line

The Absolute Best Mother’s Day Brunch Spots In NYC
Mother’s Day is just around the corner and NYC is the place to be if you’re looking to spoil the woman that pushed you out of her body. She did that, you know…or you were CUT OUT of her. Either way, she deserves some bottomless mimosas or ridiculous bloody mary’s,

“I Want a Dyke For President” Poem Posted in Castro District Front Yard
My friend Aubree sent this to me earlier today. She saw it posted in the front yard of a house on Ord St. between Market and 17th Sts. Written in 1992 by Zoe Leonard an artist, activist, and member of the queer women art collective Fierce Pussy, “I want a Dyke for President”

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

The Cheapest Dates in New York City
Let me begin by clarifying: when I say “cheap dates”, I do not mean people. Any guy who clicked on this in hope of discovering a list of people who wear panties with easy access labels, stop reading. Go hold open some doors or reach stuff off top shelves and

Get a Sneak Peek of the High Line Open Studios at the Preview Party This Thursday
Chelsea: a magical chunk of New York City known for its strapping gay men, glorious art galleries, the High Line, and only being accessible by the shitty ACE (consider it a fun little adventure). This weekend, you have a chance to experience all of Chelsea’s allure at the High Line

Unleash the Geek: FREE Stargazing at the High Line Every Tuesday
Quasars. Black Holes. Distant planets, extraterrestrial life forms, and Elton John’s “Rocket Man.” Space is some deep shit, so deep that my own astronomical studies ended when I realized that I couldn’t figure out my horoscope by using the Doppler Effect. Nonetheless, astronomy has remained of interest to me, which

Dig Out Your Short Shorts, High Line Rink is Coming!
The other day, “West Coast Boys” was looping in my head and then BAM I heard it on the radio. That same day, my friend and I were talking about how badly we wanted to go roller skating and then WOOSH into my inbox comes the announcement that an

FREE Tacos and Art on the Highline
While I wish I had time to write something snarky about being high, eating tacos and looking at art, I don’t. So I just have to cut and paste. Sorry I gotta go to work. Please enjoy my cutting and pasting skills: High Line Art will debut this Thursday with Specials,