Bring Back the Bay Guardian — and Win a Metaphorical Unicorn!
Friends, is this the San Francisco you dreamed of? The sparkling, golden dream of freewheeling political experiment, debate, and protest; colorful art, poetry, and music that fly completely free from rent-money and basic-bro anxiety; diverse culture, nightlife, and style that springs from pure expression rather than some lame-ass PowerPoint marketing plan?
10 Reasons You Should NOT Give Your Money to Broke-Ass Stuart’s Indiegogo Campaign
This post is sponsored by Citizens Against Broke-Ass Stuart. Apparently Broke-Ass Stuart is doing an indiegogo campaign so that he can grow his website, pay his writers, and continue creating what he calls “dope shit”. We at Citizens Against Broke-Ass Stuart don’t think you should give him money to do this
The 90s Are Back! We Have Color Changing Shirts!
As 2024 winds down, we’re reflecting on another incredible year of sharing the stories, art, culture, and nightlife that make the Bay Area so unique. wouldn’t be what it is without you—our community of readers, supporters, and believers in independent media. This year, instead of asking you to join Patreon
Broke-Ass Stuart Needs YOUR Help to Grow Up!!
I’ve launched an indiegogo campaign to raise money to help grow to its full potential. Please go here to donate and make sure to read all the perks, especially the ones starting at $2,000 because they are hilarious! You can read all about why I’m doing this below. Thank
Help the Million Person Project Bring Storytelling Training Across The World
Million Person Project storytelling training in Brazil I’m swamped right now so I don’t have time to write anything wonderfully pithy about this so I’ll just let Heather Box from the Million Person Project tell you about it herself: Julian Mocine-McQueen and I believe that stories can unite the world.
10 Unstoppable Steps to Crowd Funding Success!
How many of us have had brilliant “aha moments” or inhaled inspiration, yet nothing ever comes of it because of lack of cash? What if you were given an extra $1k, $5k, $10k (or more?). Guess what, my fellow procrasti-stoners, if socks made of coffee can raise $204,601, or a
Gifteng: The Best New App For Broke Asses
Take Freecycle, Pinterest, and the “free stuff” category from Craigslist, put them together, and you have new mobile app Gifteng. Gifteng allows you to get rid of all that random shit you have but don’t want to throw out because well, some of it’s actually cool. It’s just not for