Sessions Caught In a Lie. Met Twice w/ Russians During Trump Campaign
The US Justice Department has confirmed that Attorney General Jeff Sessions met with Russian officials at least twice during the Trump presidential campaign. This is a problem because Sessions denied ever meeting with Russian officials under oath, his confirmation hearing testimony was at best misleading, and at worst a boldfaced lie
The KKK Sucks At The Internet (and fact checking)
What can you say about the Klan that hasn’t already been said? Ignorant. Hateful. Cowards. Murderers. Terrorists. So their websites must be the goddamn worst. BUT you’d be surprised how much some, like The Loyal White Knights of the KKK, are ODDLY WELCOMING. To a point. But maybe they’re just
The November 2024 BAS Voter Guide
A Big Change to This Year’s Voter Guide We’ve been doing voter guides for a really long time. I’m pretty sure we put our first one out in like 2010 or something. And I know that thousands of you rely on our voter guides to help you make decision. But
Trump Supporters Tweeting They Regret Voting for Him
Well that didn’t take long. If I was a more spiteful person I’d collect all their tears and use them in some of my satanic Jew ceremonies (see above), but really this whole thing is heartbreaking. I mean I’m not heartbroken that the anti-semite above is pooping his pants, I’m
Studies Show Conservative Candidates Lie A Lot More Than Liberal Ones
Conservatives have been found by fact checking organizations to lie or tell half-truths at three times the rate of Liberals (NYTimes report). So the question is why does the above phenomenon occur? After researching the subject I found that it comes down to fear, loss of power, and retaining their
Dear Internet, I’m Sorry
the ultimate hat head Happy Memorial Day Recovery Week! I imagine most of us, like good Americans, are spending the day wondering exactly where the inevitable poison oak rash will show up, tending to damaged livers and patchy sunburns, and still uncomfortably digesting all those hot dogs. I also imagine