monk’s kettle

7 Foods to Stuff Your Face with at Outside Lands
This post is brought to you by the San Francisco Appetizer Passport. Get 22 FREE appetizers at some of San Francisco’s best restaurants! Learn more here. I’m heading into my sixth consecutive year attending Outside Lands. While I love the music, the food offerings are the best of just about

Tonight! Five-Dollar Frickin’ Firkin Fest: Say That Five Times Fast
Firk y’all, I’m gettin’ hammered! I had to do some deep Googling to figure out what a firkin is, but the takeaway is that it involves beer. It’s also a fun word to say, so go to SF Beer Week‘s Frickin’ Firkin Fest tonight (Tuesday) at Heart, hosted by Monk’s

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

The Monk’s Kettle — Not Just For Mr. and Mrs. Moneybags
You’ve probably heard of The Monk’s Kettle, the 16th St. Mission bar/restaurant with arguably the best beer list in San Francisco and the notoriously long wait to get in for dinner, but you may not have stopped in because it’s not exactly broke-ass friendly. Or so I thought. Though I’ve eaten

Torta Cubana from That’s It Market — Cheap and Girthy
Okay. So maybe I’m one of the last fat-asses in the city to try the Torta Cubana from That’s It Market, a commmmmbination liquor store and deli serving tortas, tacos, tostadas and, inexplicably, falafels, but I don’t care. Because I will tell you the truth about this mystical Torta Cubana: