New Years

02 Jan 2024

One Dead In Fireworks Accident On Treasure Island

New Year’s Day in San Francisco took a tragic turn when a young man lost his life just an hour into 2024 due to firework-related injuries. The incident unfolded on Treasure Island, bringing a cloud of sorrow to what should have been a day of celebration. Around 12:40 a.m. on

Abraham Woodliff - Bay Area Memelord 0
09 Jan 2020

A Fat Guy’s Guide to Scam-y New Year’s Weight Loss Tricks

by Jonas Barnes It’s a new year and a new decade, readers. I’ve given you a full week to get settled, and now I’m here to set you straight. If you’re a gym goer, you’ve surely already noticed that this week is a short breathed, sweaty hellscape of newly resolution-driven

Guest Writer 0
10 Jul 2024

This Literary Magazine Release Party Will Be Epic!

The Huge Release Party for the Literary Magazine In case you haven’t heard, we just put out an incredible literary magazine called The Dreams I Dreamt: Letters to San Francisco thanks to a grant from the Civic Joy Fund. It’s a gift to San Francisco, where 19 of The City’s

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
01 Jan 2020

Putin Gives Trump a ‘Full Pardon’ on New Years Day

Moscow – President Vladimir Putin held his annual New Year’s Eve party and this year President Trump was in attendance.  Putin gave a grand toast at midnight and officially pardoned the American President for all his transgressions in 2019. In front of a crowd of party-goers, Putin gave a speech

31 Dec 2019

The History Behind New Years Resolutions

Resolutions, like wishes, like dreams, are ostensibly reachable, hopefully, feasible goals that many of us around the globe try desperately to hold ourselves to in the new year. Depending on your perspective of the whole thing, you may not even think about resolutions, maybe concerned solely about where you’re going

27 Dec 2018

List of FREE Rides Home on NYE in the Bay Area

All the ways to get home for FREE on New Years Eve in the Bay Area by Attorney Jason Beahm.

Jason Beahm 0
31 Dec 2010

FREE Tonight: New Years (From Your Living Room)

With today being the last day of 2010, our attention turns to the events that such an important date habitually brings in. We’re going to be perfectly honest: Engaging in any one of New York City’s seemingly-countless New Year’s parties is not an endeavor fit for the broke. (You can

01 Jan 2010

Upgrade Your Comfort Foods: Special Hangover Brunch Edition

Last week, we looked at how to stop looking broke by upgrading those tired old PB&Js, and I know I promised we’d move on to Mac & Cheese next, but in honor of Universal Hangover Day I thought we’d take a look at something more practical. After all, even brunches

Andrew Dalton - Aggressive Panhandler 0
29 Dec 2009

FREE Legal Advice – In Case New Year’s Gets a Little Too Crazy

We all see our friends do a lot of crazy and embarrassing things on New Year’s, but as a non-drinker, I actually remember it all the next day (much to the chagrin of my friends). In case you get a little too crazy this year, and life imitates art (and

Chloe - Pennywise Reporter 0