Trump’s Attack on Affirmative Action is Classic Racism
The history of America is a history of affirmative action for white people. Now Trump and Sessions are pretending that whites are the victims in University admission processes.
Exploring Racial Justice in the Whitest County in California
Tips for Well-Meaning White People concerning racism. Hey, it’s a start. Political correctness left us ill equipped to see and speak up about racial injustice, but too many lives are at stake to remain silent.
The 90s Are Back! We Have Color Changing Shirts!
As 2024 winds down, we’re reflecting on another incredible year of sharing the stories, art, culture, and nightlife that make the Bay Area so unique. BrokeAssStuart.com wouldn’t be what it is without you—our community of readers, supporters, and believers in independent media. This year, instead of asking you to join Patreon
The Bronx: Not Actually A Dumpster Fire
I moved to New York from the Bay Area last year, and basically since I arrived people have not stopped reminding me how little I know about living here. Nearly every week I am given an unprompted lesson in how ignorant I am to the best bars or restaurants, or
The KKK Sucks At The Internet (and fact checking)
What can you say about the Klan that hasn’t already been said? Ignorant. Hateful. Cowards. Murderers. Terrorists. So their websites must be the goddamn worst. BUT you’d be surprised how much some, like The Loyal White Knights of the KKK, are ODDLY WELCOMING. To a point. But maybe they’re just
Val Kilmer as Mark Twain
Val Kilmer is standing on the stage of the Clay Theater and his microphone won’t work. He slumps over, hanging his arms, the classic representation of comical dejection. From the packed house comes a feminine voice, shouting: “I’m your huckleberry!” Without missing a beat, Kilmer mimes and mouths back: “No,
RageDonate Let’s You Directly Support the Marginalized Groups Trump Has Attacked
Are you angry and hurt that our country has elected Donald Trump? That we’ve allowed racism, sexism, xenophobia, homophobia, and bad self tanner into the White House? Well now you can direct that anger and do good work with RageDonate. Over the weekend I got a press release for RageDonate,
National Anthem’s ‘Slave’ Lyric Is Proudly On Display In Golden Gate Park
Some people refuse to stand for the national anthem because of an ugly-sounding “slave” lyric in the song’s little-known third stanza. But this ugly-sounding reference is actually on permanent display in Golden Gate Park, glorified for all time at the Francis Scott Key statue in the Music Concourse between the
Black Women’s Lives Matter: Respecting Civilian Voices in Police Encounters
If you don’t know the story of Korryn Gaines, 23, the black woman murdered by Baltimore Police Department there is a reason why. It could be because your life doesn’t depend on knowing how the state responds to your existence. This is most likely because your life and ability to