Real Estate

Manchester as a Case Study in Gentrification-Weaponized Art
by Xan Holbrook As anyone who has read my work can intuit, I am an Englishman. Specifically, from Manchester. The story of Manchester is one of change. Ask anyone who sells apartments or business space around here and they’d trot out “rebirth” or “reinvention” but the point remains true. A

We wanna send you to see The Album Leaf and Real Estate at Noise Pop!
THE ALBUM LEAF has been making its mark as a soft-spoken innovator steadily and surely since 1999. One year after forming the influential San Diego instrumental group Tristeza, songwriter & multi-instrumentalist Jimmy LaValle founded THE ALBUM LEAF, a solo studio project turned full-fledged live band. The diversity of THE ALBUM

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

When Drunk Teenagers Took Over Outside Lands 2017
Nothing prepared me for the number of High School students at Outside Lands on Friday. While in line to enter I heard one girl say to her friend, “I can’t wait to get inside, I’m going to make a guy buy me shots.”

The American Dream of Homeownership is Just That – A Dream
When you grow up you buy a home, they say. Work hard and save up; it’s a great investment, they say. By they, I mean our parents, but unfortunately for us, in this instance, this is not their generation. Our parents generation was: go to school, get a degree, get

These Were Some of The Cheapest Homes Sold in San Francisco in 2014
Update: I was wrong these are some of the cheapest homes sold in SF in 2014. Miriam Westberg, a Redfin real estate agent in San Francisco, compiled a list of some of the cheapest homes in San Francisco with a little insight about their price point. That said, if you are

Can Someone Please Explain Why a Realtor is Emailing me Photos of Bill Cosby’s House?
I just received this bizarre email from Jeff Lichtenstein of Jeff Lichtenstein Realty in Palm Beach Florida. Apparently he is “Palm Beach Florida’s Golf Property Expert”: This may be the strangest email I’ve ever gotten. Just look how it starts: Allegation after allegation has been coming out against Bill Cosby.

Let’s Play a Game Called: New SF Housing Development OR Giant Air-Conditioner
In Alex Mak’s Architecture Series Part 2 (see part 1 here), we explore the popular new guessing game called “Housing Development OR Giant Air-Conditioner?” This is where San Franciscans walk around the city and try to decide if the new structures going up are actual condominiums or simply large industrial air conditioners.

Gold Rush Era Real Estate was Actually More Expensive than Modern Day San Francisco
San Francisco during the Gold Rush in 1851 (wikipedia) As we all know, due to San Francisco’s second digital gold rush, real estate is unfathomly expensive right now. I mean, the average price for a one bedroom apartment is $2,800! While that shit is absolutely ridiculous it got me thinking