Rebecca Kaplan

Carroll Fife Cuts Her Oakland City Council Teeth With Encampment Amendment Issue
Oakland City Council will meet Tuesday afternoon to discuss a number of agenda items. Among items to be considered are some simple extensions of emergency declarations, a proposal to lease land near the Chabot Space & Science Center for use by the school district and clarification of the city’s regulations

The Expanded Moms 4 Housing Bill Could Change the Whole Game
A movement that started with two mothers making a stand for their rights to be housed in an increasingly untenable market is growing into something with potential to positively impact countless Oakland residents. In a press release issued Tuesday, the group announced that a bill drafted in their name, the

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

Oakland Councilmember Wants to Rid Police Commission of Political Influence
Voters decided less than four years ago to establish an independent Oakland Police Commission as an extra level of oversight on the police department, which would have had some teeth if allowed to do the job they were sent in to do. With the overwhelming passage of Measure LL, the

Oakland Budget Fight Is Not about Money, It’s about ‘Values’
Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf and team penned out how she thinks Oakland’s financial resources should be budgeted but City Council President Rebecca Kaplan and supporters have different ideas about where the city should, and shouldn’t, spend its cash. As the month-end deadline nears for the city to approve a 2019-2021