Roxie Theater

08 Jul 2024

Support the Roxie Theater by Enjoying the Fraenkel Film Festival!

The festival’s name comes from the Fraenkel Gallery, the venerable Geary Boulevard gallery whose exhibitions explore “photography and its relation to other media.”  This year, the gallery celebrates its 45th anniversary by doing this fundraiser festival at the Roxie. 

08 Jun 2023

David Lynch, The Wizard of Oz, & The ROXIE Theater

Could the Golden Age of Hollywood classic “The Wizard Of Oz” be the Rosetta Stone cinemagoers need to truly understand the films of David Lynch?  The Roxie Theater’s summer film series “You’re Not In Kansas Any More” gives interested viewers the opportunity to test this contention.  Running from June 9,

10 Jul 2024

This Literary Magazine Release Party Will Be Epic!

The Huge Release Party for the Literary Magazine In case you haven’t heard, we just put out an incredible literary magazine called The Dreams I Dreamt: Letters to San Francisco thanks to a grant from the Civic Joy Fund. It’s a gift to San Francisco, where 19 of The City’s

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
18 Aug 2022

“Free Chol Soo Lee” From SF Law Enforcement Railroading

But Ha and Yi’s documentary isn’t just the story of how Lee got royally screwed by the S.F. criminal justice system.  It’s also the story of the movement that arose to clear Lee’s name and get him out of prison.  In this pan-Asian community movement (which also included members of the Black community), leftist Asian college radicals worked with conservative Korean grandmothers to seek justice for Lee.

19 Jul 2022

Why San Francisco Is The Best Place To Watch Movies.

This may be a strange way to start an article about the joy of watching movies, but I’m not a film buff. I’m big into music, videos games and books, but I tend to fidget when watching a feature film. Whenever someone would invite me to go to a movie

Abraham Woodliff - Bay Area Memelord 0
12 Aug 2021

Short Doc on the Iconic Roxie Reopening

If you’re a fan of cinema or just love this old theater, you’ll enjoy seeing the short doc about the Roxie reopening after 434 days of closure.  The Roxie is San Francisco’s longest running movie theater, it’s been playing “pictures” since 1911. This heartfelt little doc about the reopening of

22 Jan 2021

How to Watch the Sundance Film Festival From Home

Before the Coronavirus changed everything, the only way a person could take in the full Sundance Film Festival experience was to travel to Park City (or a surrounding town), dress very warmly, and brave insanely long lines for a chance to score a screening ticket. The 2021 Sundance Film Festival,

20 Jul 2020

Catch The Roxie Mixtape-In-Place Festival

Hey, remember when the Roxie Theater offered people a chance to turn life under quarantine into cinema with its Mixtape-In-Place competition?  As it turned out, the response was impressive.  Well over 100 submissions of films lasting 3 minutes or less in various genres got submitted for the competition.  Since part

19 May 2020

The ‘Shelter in Place’ Film Competition by ROXIE Theater!

It’s your chance to show the world how you’ve been able to convert the raw materials surrounding you in your shelter into a short original film.