San Francisco
Broke-Ass Financial Coaching: How to Stop Getting Ripped Off
If you have ever shook your head when you saw someone buy something from a company that oppresses or takes advantage of them, you need to look at yourself in the mirror first. How much is your bank charging you for your checking account? ATM fees? Credit card interest? How much interest are you paying on that loan? In total, not the monthly payment.
First Week of the Month = So Many FREE Activities!
Here’s a brief rundown of the crazy amount of FREE stuff that the first week of the month offers (with links to the details). After the first week of February, you’ll be back to your broke-ass ways, eating ramen and feeling uncultured, so make the most of these days! First
I Need To Get Real With You for a Minute
I need your help to keep going. In 2024, we wrote over 800 articles and published over 4,000 social media posts serving the San Francisco Bay Area. We’ve covered striking workers, fine artists, corrupt politicians, fantastic drag performers, colorful weirdos, cherished small businesses, and the vital news that the
Whiz Burgers
Whiz Burgers is the type of joint that when you randomly see it one day while riding your bicycle, you say to yourself, “Holy shit! How have I never seen this place before?” At least that’s what happened to me. This spot is something out of a Beach Boys song
FREE Museum Admission for Bank of America Customers
So, turns out, that if you aren’t dumb like me and closed your Bank of America account recently, you can get into four San Francisco museums next weekend for FREE just by flashing your B of A plastic. The FREEness only covers general admission, so you’re still going to have
Upgrade Your Comfort Foods: Broke-Ass Girl Scout Cookies
Ha! I bet you thought I was going to give you some cheap and crafty recipe to make your own samoas or whatever. Nope, this week I’m flipping the usual “Upgrade Your Comfort Foods” because I want to talk about one of my favorite things in the grocery store: knockoff
Super Cheap Massage
“Oh wow…this is awkward. I was expecting a completely different kind of pussy at this massage.” I bet you thought you knew where this was going didn’t you? You immediately assumed this was gonna be about hitting up one of the Tenderloin rub n tugs and getting a little something
Take Your Pick of FREE Movies on Divisadero
With all the recent rain around the Bay, I wouldn’t be surprised if I’m not the only one who just wants to hibernate inside some warm cave somewhere while zoning out in front of a big screen that transports me to any magical fantasyland imaginable. But tickets to Avatar are
Pearl Paints Closing – Entire Store 75% Off
Everything seems to be closing up these days and now comes the sad news that Pearl Paints is the latest to be leaving. NOOOOOO! Whether you had a project due for school or you needed supplies for your latest efforts, Pearl was the place to go for good quality art