sf coyotes

11 Aug 2021

Someone Is Feeding Coyotes Raw Meat On Bernal Hill

Oh sure, there is nothing like the thrill of running into a big ass coyote on the streets of San Francisco. And their little puppers are adorable as heck. But people, you should not feed the coyotes, and you should not be like this lady whom SF SF Animal Care

Joe Kukura- Millionaire in Training 0
18 Jun 2020

Coyote Puppies in SF Getting Ready to Leave the Den

In San Francisco, ‘coyote pupping season’ starts around March and goes until the fall.  Our newest neighbors are now 11-12 week old puppies, and according to Presidio Trust Ecologist Jonathan Young, “It’s still very much pupping season, the pups are starting to get more active now and looking to join