South of Market

Should the Elderly Retest to Hold a Driver’s License?
On March 16th in West Portal, 78-year-old Mary Fong Lau sped east up Ulloa Street. Her SUV barrelled past Wawona towards Lenox Way, where a family of four stood waiting for a bus to the zoo. She crossed the painted yellow lines and train tracks embedded in the road and

San Francisco’s Best and Worst Rebrands
Chicago stubbornly calls their landmark skyscraper Sears Tower, rejecting the Willis name. In Kansas City where I grew up, it’ll always be Sandstone Amphitheater. No matter where you’re from, you no doubt know somewhere/something special that now goes by a shittier name. San Francisco has plenty. For instance, in an

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

SF Oasis Officially Saved After Drag Telethon
We knew that the early March old-school telethon for The Oasis, the beloved SoMa drag night club, has surpassed its fundraising goal. But now can confirm that the Oasis is definitely not going anywhere, as the club sent a Monday afternoon email confirming that the club will indeed be

Lennon Studios Is Being Sold for Millions
By Nicholas Palmer You can buy a lot of things with millions of dollars, but no amount of money can replace magic that’s discovered, fought for, bled over and perfected inside the padded walls of a music rehearsal space. What Lennon Studios has been to local maestros of pitch and

The Secret, Saucy History Of The Original Hamburger Mary’s
This weekend is the 15-year anniversary of the closing of Hamburger Mary’s, the trailblazing gay burger joint since that had been a SoMa icon since 1972. So we tracked down one of the last original Hamburger Mary’s owners to find some fascinating artifacts and get the Grade-A, all-beef history of

BAS Up Your Alley 2015 In Pictures (NSFW)
Hey pervs! Heralding the hotter days to come with hos, hard-ons and harnesses, the 30th Annual Up Your Alley Street Fair busted through SoMa like a well-lubed fist. Perhaps because it was an milestone year, this year’s festivities felt more the raunch rodeos of yore than Dore’s of recent memory.

BAS Pride 2015: Win Tix to Hard French Pride Party + The 2015 Bi-BQ + Pride Night @ Comix Experience
Well queers, we are already mid-week of this year’s rainbow tour and about knee deep in plenty of gay-ass shit to do. If you are, by chance looking for something to do on the way to the Milk Club and 48 Hills joint happy hour (because you would never miss

BAS Pride 2015- Hanky Code: The Movie in SoMa Wednesday (6/17)
Ah, the hanky: Our community’s polychromatic tradition of flagging the way we like to fuck. Being a perv and a nerd, I’m obviously a fan, with it’s origins supposedly going back in the mists of time to square dances full of randy forty-niners and wayward sailors out for a hot