
26 Jan 2022

Missed Connections: A Bay Area Tinder Tale

I had found him online. He was a kooky sketch comedian, and he maintained an incredibly honest, introspective blog littered with cultural references I loved. He was beautiful in a wicked, ethereal way, but he wasn’t beholden to his beauty. His life seemed like one long, fascinating lurch towards the

Guest Writer 0
29 Jan 2021

The 10 Kinds of People You See on Dating Apps During COVID

Humanity has endured many historic events that have perpetually changed the way we live our lives. September 11th. The fall of the Berlin Wall. TikTok. But throughout it all, one thing has prevailed: the desire to get it on. Despite a national pandemic preventing people from their usual mating ritual

10 Jul 2024

This Literary Magazine Release Party Will Be Epic!

The Huge Release Party for the Literary Magazine In case you haven’t heard, we just put out an incredible literary magazine called The Dreams I Dreamt: Letters to San Francisco thanks to a grant from the Civic Joy Fund. It’s a gift to San Francisco, where 19 of The City’s

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
07 Mar 2019

A Comedy Show that Interacts in Real Time with Tinder Matches, & it’s Hilarious

By Jonas Barnes Tinder is the undisputed king of online dating and comedian and author Lane Moore has managed to take this dating app and turn it into a live comedy show. In NYC, this is something that any producer should celebrate because comedy comes and goes here on a

Guest Writer 0
10 May 2018

WTF Are These New Tinder ‘Terms of Use’?

Anyone trying to swipe on Tinder now gets immediately accosted with a new ‘Updated Terms of Use and Privacy Policy’ that you have to agree to or else you can’t get any action. Tinder assumes you’re so hookup-hungry you’ll click ‘Agree’ on anything. But what are you agreeing to here?

Joe Kukura- Millionaire in Training 0
26 May 2017

9 Ways to Spot a Fuckboy

They are literally everywhere. Every turn you take, every profile you swipe… they’re there. Hiding in your phone, in your coffee shops, in your apartment building. If you’re not careful, you’ll run into one. No, I’m not talking about blackheads, terrorists, or asbestos – I’m talking about fuckboys. They’re literally

26 Apr 2017

PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: Exploit the Nuclear Threat To Get Laid!

? GIRLS! / WOMEN! ? Is there a guy (or girl) you have on your mind who you love having sex with, but for whatever reason you just haven’t been lately? No matter what coast you live on (especially you LA vixens), USE THE NUCLEAR THREAT TO GET SOMEONE TO SLEEP

Lauryn Petrie - NYC Editor 0
12 Apr 2017

Five Kinds of Dudes You Find on Dating Apps

I’ll give you a hint: it’s assholes. All assholes. The Internet allows us to meet a multitude of people that we normally wouldn’t see in our day-to-day life. However, it’s zero percent of the population that I actually would want to come in contact with. 1. Mr. Socially Awkward The

Kelly Rose 0
07 Apr 2017

Artist You Need To Know: Sam & Bill are Bad MotherFolkers

This week I was lucky enough to sit down with the up and coming NYC comedic music duo Sam & Bill. With their flawless blend of seemingly benign folk music, comedic lyrics, and fearless attitude, they are quickly becoming a local favorite in Manhattan and the surrounding boroughs. The duo, composed

Lauryn Petrie - NYC Editor 0