
15 Dec 2011

Pho Garden is Pho Real

I may enjoy writing about Pho almost as much as I enjoy eating it.  I’m an expert punsmith and the punsibilities associated with crafting a pho review delight me to no end.  Fortunately Pho Garden on Clement does make some seriously solid pho. Don’t let the sign on the door

Hugh Hunter - Economical Essayist 0
15 Dec 2011

Sweet Sweet Abilene

Abilene, my temptress.  Every time I have something to go home to, I find myself going home to you instead.  You are so warm, inviting.  There are so few bars that I feel uninhibited going into alone – and you, Abilene, are one of them. After a long day, I

The Happy Peasant 0
06 Dec 2024

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!

Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
14 Dec 2011

Cabaret Cinema, Fridays at the Rubin Museum of Art

New York City is full of big name art institutions – the Met, MoMA, the Guggenheim – but, it pays (or saves) to check out smaller gems like the Rubin Museum. Dedicated to historical and contemporary Himalayan and Buddhist art, the Rubin is a nice little retreat from the fast

Tiara Francis - NY Know-it-all 0
13 Dec 2011

Bourbon Street NYC: Broke-Ass Haven

Sitting cozy on the Upper West Side, on Amsterdam Avenue, between 79th & 80th street, you’ll find a pretty well known haven for the broke-ass movement. Imagine a bar with bras hanging on the walls and  cheap drinks. Imagine a place that once offered 50 cent beers. Welcome to Bourbon

Enrique Grijalva - Mr. Minimum Wage 0
12 Dec 2011

Spotlight on NoVa: the Painful Allure of Noe Valley

  Padmapper, a nifty tool that’s basically a melding of Craigslist with Google Maps, comes in handy for those apartment searches with location, location in mind. And not only does it show you where your new home might be, it shows you where it sure isn’t. A vast, empty space

12 Dec 2011

Mariachis and Free Breakfast in the Presence of a Lady

Now grant you, showing up at church at 4:45 a.m. on Monday is likely to sound like a horrendous idea to nearly anyone is their right mind, but if you have that unnatural quality known as being a “morning person” or you can muster the strength to wrest yourself from

Stephen Torres - Threadbare-Fact Finder 0
10 Dec 2011

Vagabond Indie Craft Fair

There’s no dearth in San Francisco of bicycle part jewelry, crocheted caps, or fingerless gloves that look somehow like pandas. While I personally own two of those three items, I recognize that they’re only a tiny and too-cutesy subsection of what’s actually a huge and worthwhile movement in San Francisco

10 Dec 2011

Strad for Lunch Every Wednesday

Staying cultured in this city can seem daunting and expensive. Especially when you’re a classical music lover like myself. Which is why I was so excited to stumble on the W.M.P. Concert Hall inside the Gradoux-Matt Rare Violin shop. Every Wednesday at 12:30pm, owner Emmanuel Gradoux-Matt hosts Strad for Lunch, a

Steph Garcia - Freelance Frugal 0