Other Truly American Things to Do on 4th of July
America is the most…America it’s ever been. For a lot of its citizens, they just don’t feel represented or protected, thus making them feel like it’s harder and harder to celebrate the USA on Independence Day when they aren’t celebrated or truly free. Try these truly representative and actually American
Is Your Company Secretly Funding Anti-LGBTQIA+ Hate?
I’m going to let you in on a little secret; America is a fuckin’ joke, and corporate America is the biggest joke of them all. An example of the type of fuckery that our corporate comedians conjure up as a result of their obsession with watching the world burn for
This New Literary Magazine is a Gift to the People of San Francisco
I’ve got some awesome news! We received a grant from the Civic Joy Fund to put out a literary magazine celebrating SF and acting to counter the stupid “Doom Loop” narrative. It’s a gift to the people of San Francisco. And after months of working on this project it’s now available
Music of the banned. Musical influence has never and can never be limited by the borders of nations. The far-reaching effect of the arts has created crossover music, with artists adopting elements of each other’s musical traditions. In the face of the president’s travel ban of citizens from Iran, Syria,
The Best Anti-Nazi Themed Cocktails
Created by Bartenders against Nazi’s, inspired by neo-fascist Richard B. Spencer getting punched in the face
Movies to Get You Through This
At this time most of us, 60,467,245 to be exact (as opposed to 60,071,650… HOW DOES THIS MAKE SENSE… ok sorry back to business) are still in shock, disgust and confusion over election night’s results. This is painfully normal right now, but sometimes to alleviate all these uneasy feelings a nice
An Apology from a Straight Middle-Class White Man
Let me first say I did not vote for Trump, I voted for the future of America by casting my ballot for Hillary Clinton. Who I am might appeal to you but my beliefs, worries, angst and fight might not. I’m white, born a man, straight (although I love all
The Man Who Decides The ‘Best Restaurant’ In America
Bon Appetit’s ‘best new restaurant in America’ is right here in San Francisco. Here’s who is making that decision for so-called ‘trendiest, most on point, up-to-date food magazines’
July 4 Playlist: 20 Best Songs Named After ‘America’, ‘American’ or ‘USA’
Bust out the musical broad stripes and bright stars at any 4th of July party or BBQ with this curated, ready-to-roll playlist of songs specifically naming America, American or USA in their titles. We’ve curated a YouTube set list that you can just pull up and hit Play on whenever