vaccine requirements

OF COURSE Fox News Has a Mandatory Vaccine Policy
Last month on Fox News, obviously vaccinated country club rich kid Tucker Carlson went off on vaccine mandates. “American citizens should never be forced to take medicine they don’t want, period,” he ranted and raved. “Governments should never require people to submit to any medical procedure, whether that procedure is

93% Support Indoor Vaccine Requirement In New Chronicle Poll
San Francisco still has not imposed a policy of making proof of vaccination mandatory in indoor settings, as New York City has done. But plenty of Bay Area bars and restaurants are stepping up and instituting their own mandatory vaccine policies anyway. And if Mayor London Breed and the SF

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

SF Considering An Indoor Vaccine Mandate, Just Like New York
The rule of thumb on San Francisco COVID-19 restrictions is usually that when you hear rumors they might be about to require something, they are definitely going to require that thing in the very near future. When we heard bars might require proof of vaccination, five days later bars were

It’s Official — SF Bars To Require Proof Of Vaccination, Starting Thursday
San Francisco bars have spent the last week very publicly considering whether they would require proof of COVID-19 vaccination, or at very least a negative COVID test, to enter their establishments. On Monday morning, it became official. KRON-4 reports that the San Francisco Bar Alliance will require proof of vaccination,

500 SF Bars May Require Proof Of Vaccination For Entry
It’s frustrating that state and federal government agencies aren’t being more proactive about requiring vaccinations, with the wildly contagious delta variant spreading at least twice as fast as the original ‘rona. But San Francisco bars may step in and do what the government doesn’t have the courage to do. SFGate