Webster Hall

Spring Broke: Our Top 5 NYC Parties This Month!
It’s Spring Break Broke and you’re stuck here. As I always say, there’s no point of being broke and sober. Here’s some parties you can count on to make the most of it. Brooklyn Night Bazaar This party features live performances, food that is simply incrediballs, mini golf, local merchants

Spring Broke: Top 6 NYC Splurge-Worthy Events This Month!
Got a little extra cash to burn this month? Here’s our top picks for the month of March that may give you buyer’s remorse. Modest Mouse & Mimicking Birds The coolest band before it was cool to be weirdly cool, Modest Mouse along with Mimicking Birds take the stage. Guaranteed

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

Get Ready for the 2013 Aputumpu Music Festival
The 2013 Aputumpu Music Festival is here! And it’s invading music venues in Manhattan and Brooklyn this weekend including Public Assembly, Webster Hall, Joe’s Pub and more. Over 40 bands are taking the stage and bringing you a different theme with each night from a wide range of music. Whether

Zola Jesus Performing at Webster Hall
On Saturday, February 18th, experimental rock singer, Zola Jesus will be performing at Webster Hall. The 22 year-old, Russian-American from Wisconsin has released three EP’s and three full-length albums since her teenage years. Her latest album, “Conatus” has received positive reviews from music critics and fans alike. Heather Phares from

Last-Minute NYC New Year’s Eve Ideas: FREEish Things to Do for the Broke and Almost Broke
#1 Join 800,000 other people for the famous and FREE Ball Drop in Times Square. But before you hurry over there, here´s some advice – get there EARLY, bring food and dress warmly – you´re going to be there for a while. And there are NO bathrooms. If the sound

Broke-Ass Band Interview: The Postelles
The Postelles are a band so diversely talented that they can release a Ramones cover on the same EP as a Joe Jones cover and make you unabashedly swing your hips to both. Lead singer Dan Balk, guitarist David Dargahi, bassist John Speyer, and percussionist Billy Cadden met during high school

FREE Patti Smith Show Tonight at Webster Hall
Patti Smith likes you. Not only did she pen the National Book Award-winning read Just Kids for even the most ADD of readers to enjoy last year, but tonight she’s going to perform, for you, for FREE. Tonight at Webster Hall, Smith will show off why she’s a rock icon

A Broke-Ass Guide to Contraband
To save some of you the disappointment, first off, this guide is not intended for things like explosives or human kidneys. Far be it for me to favor one type of smuggling over another, but if you’re looking for help with either of those things, um, maybe you should instead