weed culture

22 Jun 2022

Antidepressants: A Thank-You to My Drugs

BUPROPION (Wellbutrin), 300mg daily You’re such a slut but I like you that way. Everybody likes you that way. Magazines call you “the happy, skinny, sexy pill,” for that covetous sexual energy you bring back to the body. Why shouldn’t they? Like spring after winter you followed a fatty, flaccid

Jake Warren 0
19 Apr 2017

Characters of Cannabis Culture

52% of adults in the US have tried marijuana, 56% of millennials, 83% support legalizing for medical treatment, 49% support legalization for recreational, and 56% think weed is socially acceptable. Who are these people? With tomorrow being 4/20, let’s take a look at the most prominent characters in cannabis culture.

Curtis Conrad Schabath 0