
23 Feb 2022

Stop Dragging Waiters and Waitresses on Yelp!

The online review platform known as Yelp first slithered onto the Internet all the way back in 2004. Britney Spears and Paris Hilton were the reigning queens of pop culture at the time and people were still poking each other and throwing sheep on Facebook. There are almost 200 million

Bitchy Waiter 0
17 Jun 2020

Restaurants Are Trying Their Best Right Now. Please Don’t “Cancel” Them

Cancel culture is the act of no longer supporting a public figure or company after they have said or done something that is considered inappropriate or offensive. Sometimes the “canceling” is completely deserved like when Roseanne Barr Tweeted out some “Ambien-influenced” racist crap and was immediately fired from her own

Bitchy Waiter 0
06 Dec 2024

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!

Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
14 Feb 2019

How Meal Delivery Apps are Killing Your Favorite Restaurants

Another local restaurant has bitten the dust, and food delivery apps are causing restaurants to go under instead of helping them stay afloat. “Online ordering does more damage to a business than it helps,” says the out-of-business sign at just-shuttered Gaslamp Cafe. “Any profit from the sale is stripped away

Joe Kukura- Millionaire in Training 0
03 Mar 2017

Best Safe and Legal Abortion Options in NYC

So. You’re in New York City. You’re pregnant. And you’d like to stop being pregnant. There are a number of ways you could have gotten here, and a number of ways you could feel about it. You could be single or partnered, younger or older, someone who already has kids

Lana A. 0
22 Feb 2016

Leaving a Nasty Yelp Review Makes You a Jerk

Oh, the Internet. We love it and hate it for many reasons. One of them is the instant gratification we receive when posting on social media, like that of instant revenge. With one click, you can do so much harm. Yelp is the epitome of this. But to all the people who are out for a vendetta via Yelp, here’s a few things to consider before you put your fingers on that keyboard:

Penelope Hernandez 0
21 Aug 2014

HeyLets: Finally a Social Network Where You Don’t Have to Be a Jerk

I mean really, it’s true, the internet is full of assholes and often it’s the social networking sites that enable this assholatry.

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
13 Dec 2011

Bourbon Street NYC: Broke-Ass Haven

Sitting cozy on the Upper West Side, on Amsterdam Avenue, between 79th & 80th street, you’ll find a pretty well known haven for the broke-ass movement. Imagine a bar with bras hanging on the walls and  cheap drinks. Imagine a place that once offered 50 cent beers. Welcome to Bourbon

Enrique Grijalva - Mr. Minimum Wage 0
15 Jun 2011

Stuart’s on TV! Celebrate at the Young, Broke & Beautiful Viewing Party This Monday

We’ve been hyping Broke-Ass Stuart’s new TV show, Young, Broke & Beautiful, for a couple months now, but it’s FINALLY time to reveal this shit!  YB&B will air on Friday, June 24 at 11/10C on IFC, but Stu’s throwing a viewing party four days early to celebrate and thank everyone for their

Christy Jovanelly - Cheapskate Commentator 0