Arts and CultureBoozeEat & DrinkSan Francisco

Hard French Back at El Rio to Fulfill Your Cheap Booze & BBQ Needs

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Hard French, the fabulous Saturday afternoon soul music dance party extravaganza at El Rio, is back, and this edition is probably gonna be the best one because, one, HELLO, it’s Labor Day weekend and everyone is looking to get shitfaced, so you know it’s ON, and two, courtesy of Room 4, the first 90 people in line for this shindig are gonna score FREE vintage ’60s sunglasses.  Yes, please.

So to recap, from 3pm-5pm, $10 gets you all-you-can-binge-on BBQ, beer, and permission to openly ogle all the attractive people doing the twist on the patio.  Or if for some reason you don’t like the idea of cheap booze and hot dogs, you can still get in on the party for $5.  If you’re drinking, though, go for broke and spend the extra few bucks.

As usual, DJ Carnita and DJ Brown Amy will be spinning, along with very special guest DJ Action Slacks.  I’m sure this means something to some of you (meaning you’re friends with these DJs).

P.S. Don’t forget about the photo booth.  Your drunken pre-Labor Day celebrations will be something to show your grandchildren.

P.P.S. As I’m writing this some lady in the apartment next to mine is yelling at someone to “GETTTT OUTTTT NOWWWW” so loudly that all the dogs on the street started barking and I swear a car alarm went off.  And I don’t live in the Tenderloin.  She DEFINITELY needs to chill out and have some endless Hard French beer (because liquor never makes anyone yell).

Hard French at El Rio — Saturday Afternoon Dance Party and All-You-Can-Eat BBQ and Beer Saturday, September 4, 3pm-8pm (food/beer thing ends at 5pm) 3158 Mission Street (btwn Powers & Precita) [Bernal Heights]
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Christy Jovanelly - Cheapskate Commentator

Christy Jovanelly - Cheapskate Commentator

When Christy announced she was leaving her family's Southern California home and moving to San Francisco, her mom said, "Have fun in that den of sin." This is the only (however sarcastic) advice Christy has ever taken from her mom, who also told her to join and cover her eyes during sex scenes in movies. Christy puts her creative writing degree to good use by locating the typos on Chinese food menus and spends most of her time challenging friends to all-you-can-eat contests and trying to get that one bartender at Zeitgeist to smile.