DIY: Cocktails, Take Two

Updated: Aug 22, 2011 13:01
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How many times have you heard this sentence: “C’mon, just one drink.” ? And, how many times has that one drink spiraled into a table of empty glasses, clinking together while you laugh hysterically over the pick-up lines from the guy at the bar and then pass out in the booth on your roommates lap? If you’re anything like me, at least once. Much like actual cocktails, it’s hard to stick to just one cocktail-related craft idea – there are several other tasty options in addition to the umbrella ideas we talked about last week. So, put some ice in a glass and check out three ways to DIY your drinkin’.

Parasols: You can make your own drink umbrellas – it’s unbelievably easy, actually. Get a piece of paper. Cut a circle in it, then cut a slice up to the center of the circle. Overlap to create the umbrella shape. Tape in place. Stick a skewer through the center. You can use wrapping paper, construction paper, transparent paper, doilies…if you can cut a circle in it, it’ll work.

Drink Stirrers: This is about as complicated as the parasols: get paper, put stick in middle, glue to another piece of paper. Again, you can cut out shapes and decorate them or you can use postage stamps, sequined craft stars, felt, appliques, chopsticks decorated with rhinestones, stamps on paper, a craft punch to cut out shapes (like an owl!), stickers, ribbons

Napkins: There are three ways do this: stamps (you can add glitter while the ink is wet too), an easy abstract embroidery, or coasters. The first two are pretty self-explanatory; the third is just going to require using Mod Podge to seal a paper napkin to a square of ceramic then seal again with polyurethane. You can add cork or felt to the bottom too. Now all you gotta do is decide what to fill your glass with.

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Amber Bouman - Crafty & Cashless

Amber Bouman - Crafty & Cashless

A freelance writer, blogger and poet based in San Francisco, Amber has written for PC World, InfoWorld, and the 16th & Mission Review. She has performed at City Hall, Litquake, the Brainwash, 16th & Mission, BlueSix, and SFSU among other places. Amber is also consummate fan of swearing, organizational freak, yoga practitioner, music geek, caffeine addict, and tattoo enthusiast who enjoys platform shoes, making out, thumb wrestling and fighting the good fight. She owns a bicycle named Gretel, a motor scooter named Elroy and a cat named Simon. She can be found in various virtual locations all over your interwebs.