Arts and Culture

SartoriaList Book Signing

The Bay's best newsletter for underground events & news
The photo of this very dapper looking fellow comes from  Damn this cat looks fly!

Not everyone loves The Sartorialist as I do. Yes, he can seem slightly elitist, snobby and has a somewhat bizarre fascination with pocket squares and old Milanese men. It is true as well that most of his “street shots” are of fashion editors, Italian heiresses or models pushing their bikes across the Meatpacking District or past the Trevi fountain- hardly the everyday street shots that most style bloggers rely on. Even so, i love his eye, his appreciation for detail and color and the way he can so quickly assess what is important to him about a certain look. His appreciation for authentic, quality craftsmanship is also admirable in this day of throwaway fashion.

As I said in an earlier post, I love to read both The Sartorialist and
The Face Hunter first thing in the morning because they are such disparate sources of style but they both champion the same things: people using color and fabric to (in a modest, small way) male art of themselves.

Tonight at Barneys Scott Schuman – the man behind the blog – will be signing books at the midtown temple of expensive chic, Barneys. Its the midst of Fashion Week and the signing promises to be crowded, but the turnout itself should be eye candy for those with a guilty enjoyment for high end fashion.

Sartorialist Book Signing
September 15 , 5-7 PM
Barneys New York
60th and Madison
3rd Floor

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BAS Writers

BAS Writers

BAS Writers is mostly a collection of articles written by people for the early days of this site. Back then nobody knew that snarky articles they were writing could come back and haunt them when job searching a decade later.