Eat & DrinkSan Francisco

Like A Good Neighbour – Bargain Bread At Entenmann’s-Oroweat

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photo by Wes M.

Lean times come around as regularly as a sloppy drunk at happy hour.  Family histories are peppered with tales of day old bread, ration lines, buying fruit from the back of the grocer and eggs for dinner.

No shame in any of these, which is why you can do your grand pappies proud and utilize a resource custom made for wallets full of moths.

Although the Rainbo has been closed for sometime now, we still have the Entenmann’s-Oroweat Bakery Outlet Store to pad your pantry with all sorts of starchy goodness and other sundry staples and snacks.  No La Boulange, true, but hey, distance makes the heart grow fonder.

Entenmanns’s and Oroweat were bought a while back by Bimbo America which means there’s all those lovely Estadounidense brands and lots of tasty Mexi ones too like the delicious classic, Gansito.  Surprising someone else besides the octopus from Bentonville is benefiting from 'œfree trade.'

Entenmann’s- Oroweat Bakery Outlet Store
1798 Bryant Street (btw 16th &17th Streets)
[Potrero Hill]

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Stephen Torres - Threadbare-Fact Finder

Stephen Torres - Threadbare-Fact Finder

Stephen's early years were spent in a boxcar overlooking downtown Los Angeles. From there he moved around the state with his family before settling under the warm blanket of smog that covers suburban Southern California. Moving around led to his inability to stay in one place for very long, but San Francisco has been reeling him back in with its siren song since 1999.
By trade he pours booze, but likes to think he can write and does so occasionally for the SF Bay Guardian, Bold Italic and 7x7. He also likes to enjoy time spent in old eateries, bars and businesses that, by most standards, would have been condemned a long time ago.