
Broke-Ass Financial Coaching: Just Ask for FREE Stuff

Updated: Feb 09, 2017 20:18
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While being young, broke and beautiful is all well and good, some people’s finances are more jacked than others.  That’s why we’ve invited Betsy Crouch (aka Coach $izzle) to come onboard and dole out some much needed advice.  She is a professional financial coach after all.  If you’ve got a question you’d like answered please email her  Maybe your question will be the next one answered.

Every day I talk with clients about how to save money, how to be more intentional with spending and savings and many more financial topics.

What I have found through my coaching is that people commonly make assumptions about what is possible and how much something will cost.

Challenge your beliefs.   Start by asking more questions.


1.  If I buy this could I have this for free?

I was 23 and I won a sales contest and the prize was reimbursement for electronics.  I went to Best Buy knowing what I wanted to buy.  I picked out what I wanted, a small tv, dvd player and a camcorder, yes this was a few years ago.  I asked the sales guy, “if I buy these things here, what could you give me for free?”  Now I have asked for specific things for free at times, like when I bought a washer and dryer, I asked for 3 dvds for free and they worked some magic on the computer and gave them to me.  In this situation I just wanted to see what they would offer me.  I ended up getting a bag for my camcorder, some tapes and some cords that I needed, for free.  I brought all of this stuff home along with a six pack of Corona and told my roommates that Best Buy gave me the beer for free too, the gullible ones said “Wow!”

When you know you are going to buy something, you have leverage.  See who will give you the best deal through discounts or free items.  Ask.  The worst thing that will happen is they will say “no.”

2.  Could I have a better deal for this thing I am already paying for?

If you are paying a monthly fee for a checking account, ask the bank to waive the fee.  If they won’t waive the fee look into getting a different bank account, a free checking account.  Don’t bluff because they may call it.  Switch if they don’t give you the account for free.  Let me get this straight, you have my money and you are making money on it.  Then you want me to pay you to hold my money and make money on my money?  Hmm.

I just had a client call AT&T and ask for a better deal for his office phone lines and internet service.  He was paying around $460 per month.  They basically said, “why yes, we have a new deal that will give you the same phone service, better internet service, and it will only be about $260 per month.”  This phone call will save him $2400 in the next year.  You can do this with your television service, cell phone plan, etc.  Always speak with a human.  Let them know that you would like to find the best deal possible and that you are willing to change companies if that means you will get a better deal.  Say to them, “you know what I’m talking about, you know how it is, I just really want to get a good deal.”  They do know how it is.

3.  Are you open to a creative payment agreement?

Don’t assume you can’t afford something that you want or need.  What do you have to barter or trade?  If you want something badly enough start brainstorming ways that you could pay for it.  Is the person or company open to bartering?  Could you help them with something for their business?  Are they open to a payment plan?  Could you give them something for collateral?

Bottom line.  Don’t cut off your options before you explore them.  Ask questions.  Be fair. Ask for a better deal.  Be yourself.

What have you gotten a good deal on/gotten for free/gotten a discount on/or creatively paid for?

Financial questions?  Email

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Betsy Crouch - Coach $izzle

Betsy Crouch - Coach $izzle

Betsy hates to brag, but she grew up in Michigan. An unhappy materialist/rabid consumer turned minimalist, Betsy feels right at home in the warm socially responsible arms of San Francisco. With an Economics degree, a basic financial certification, and a range of personal experience, she has developed a unique financial coaching philosophy. She wants you to feel a sense of serenity with your finances and she shares what she has learned from coaching almost 200 people one on one. Betsy wants you to embrace your "sizzle," and for you to become a more confident and empowered Broke Ass.