DIY: Make Your Own Survival Tin
There are lots of different kinds of friends. There’s the Friend-With-the-Hot-Roommate, the Work-Friend, the Back-in-the-Day Friend, the Quirky Friend, the Friend with a car, the Ginger friend. I myself am the Friend-You-Can-Rely-On. Need to know how to spell something? Forget where you left your green sweater? Nextbus? Where the next poetry showcase is located? I am your girl. Like a Boy Scout, I’m always prepared. Need a Kleenex? Safety Pin? Condom? Pen? I got ya covered. And one of the best tricks in my arsenal is the Urban Survival Tin. It’s a three-step process:
1. Find a tin (Altoids tins are the obvious choice but keep your eyes open for other options).
2. Find some small items that you use often enough to carry regularly (My tin holds a couple of hair ties, a small clip, a tiny pencil, some safety pins, a Claritin ReadiTab, a book of matches, a band aid, a tampon, a hand wipe, a condom and a tiny stripper figurine. I’ve also at varying times had gum, aspirin, a fresh set of contacts, chapstick, a bottle opener, Kleenex and antacids. ).
3. Arrange (and rearrange) the items inside until the lid of the tin will shut firmly.
Now, you have some asprin/tampon/matches when you find you need them and because you’re awesome, you also have them in one easy-to-locate spot! And hey, it’s a tin '“ it’ll hold whatever you need it to be that toiletries, needle/thread/etc, crayons for your kid, headphones, business cards. Whatever you need to get through your day ready, set and prepared. Don’t underestimate the potential here either '“ the tin can get pretty agro. For example, there is a Field and Stream tin, a hard-core 72 Hour Survival kit, and tiny, play-able games'“ yay fun!
Extra-bonus-crafty tip: If you having trouble finding a tin you like lookin’ at, you can always custom paint your tin.