Just How Likely is Unlikely?
As diverse as everybody seems to be in the Bay Area, most of us have one thing in common – random sexual experiences. But just exactly where these sexual acts take place, depends on the person you’re talking to. We all have that one friend who swears they’ve done it in some place no one else has. You know what I mean: on a pool table, in a tree, on the hood of a moving car, while riding a horse, on top of Mount Everest…the list goes on and on. But somehow, we never get tired of listening to these wild stories with dirty endings.
Thursday night at The Uptown Night Club in Berkeley, Bawdy Storytelling presents The Unlikeliest Places. Six sensualists dare to bare their sexual truths before an eager audience. Wear some extra rouge to cover your blushing cheeks, as the room may get a bit steamy during the walk (or should I say hump) down memory lane for the six speakers. Be prepared to hear stories by some who claim they’ve “stuck it where the sun don’t shine, “ as well as other drunken mishaps resulting in hospitalization and (not to mention) humiliation. Find out where you rate on the kinky-scale…
The Unlikeliest Places Thursday, April 7th Doors 7 pm – Stories start at 8 pm The Uptown Night Club (just two blocks from BART) 1928 Telegraph Avenue [Oakland] $10 at the door aPhoto courtesy of brajit.blogspot.com