Arts and CultureNew York

Start Your Week Off Right: Watch One of the Freakiest Movies of All Time

The Bay's best newsletter for underground events & news

Have nothing to do on this fine Monday?  Well, why don’t you push your mind to the brink of insanity by watching a classic cult film that’s about the occult?  And then maybe joining a cult?  Kidding!  But seriously– this is the last week that Alejandro Jodorowsky’s 1973 film The Holy Mountain will be screening at MoMA’s PS1, so you should probably check it out.

Psychedelic, grotesque, satirical, and downright weird, The Holy Mountain tells the story of a Christ-like figure’s journey to– as the movie’s title suggests– a holy mountain that unites Heaven and Earth.  Via the PS1 website, the character’s journey uncovers themes of “capitalist production, militarism, death, rebirth, and the extramundane” along the way.  Pretty hippie-dippy-trippy, right?  Director Jodorowsky is the ultimate divo (that’s a male version of a “diva,” just in case you didn’t catch that), not only directing the film but also starring in, composing, and designing sets.  If you’re crazy like me, this movie will make you want to buy a lot of tunics and join a commune.  If not, it’s pretty avant-garde and you can probs impress your pretentious film-snob friends by name-dropping that you saw it.

The Holy Mountain screens at 2pm and 4pm– today, June 27th and this Thursday, June 30th.  The movie is FREE with your ticket to the museum, and admission is suggested, so it’s really whatever you can afford to pay.  Either way, a movie and an awesome museum for $10 or less is a steal for New York prices.  Put on that tunic and get psychedelic in Long Island City!

The Holy Mountain
June 27th and 30th, 2pm and 4pm.  FREE with museum ticket.
MoMa PS1
22-25 Jackson Ave. (at 46th Ave.)
Long Island City, NY 11101
[Long Island City, Queens]

Image via MoMA PS1 website

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Carrie Laven - Pretty Penniless

Carrie Laven - Pretty Penniless

Carrie Laven is a natural-born storyteller from California, but she
lives in New York now. She likes dogs, nail art, and Mexican food,
but mostly she likes scoring sweet deals at thrift stores. She tends
to have a flair for the dramatic.