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Party This Thursday at Cure Thrift!

Updated: Aug 08, 2011 10:30
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Just when you’d decided never to leave the apartment without utter life-or-death necessity again this summer (the city’s a freak show! It’s hot as balls! The line in Duane Reade is anxiety attack-inducingly long and the whole damn town is crawling with tourists who stop at random in the middle of the sidewalk and turn around without warning and goddamnit, WHY do they DO THAT!) a new reason to get off the sofa and back in the saddle emerges. A fine reason indeed: Cure Thrift is having their 3rd Birthday Thrift Spectacular this Thursday, August 11th!

For those unfamiliar with Cure, it’s the exception to the East Village thrift store rule – it’s organized, clean, stocked with a smorgasbord of sweet-ass labels for cheap, doesn’t smell like mold and whenever I’ve visited, no gargantuan satanic cockroaches have crawled up my leg – not even one! (It’s a legitimate risk, trust me, because I shit you not, a 2.5-incher scaled my ankle last week at another store, which shan’t be named, but rhymes with Smuffalo Exmange.) On top of being a shining beacon of broke-ass finery, a veritable bastion of higher-end clothing, unique housewares, books, cool Grandma-chic jewelry, etc., Cure also benefits the Diabetes Research Institute. That’s great news because you LOVE philanthropy!

As a testament to this brilliant gem of a shop I shall share with you some of my spoils. Previous finds include the weirdly awesome vintage movie tee above ($5!) and a pristine preppy Club Monaco sweater vest thing I plan to wear ironically with cutoff shorts and messy hair for the remainder of the summer and/or my life. I’ve spotted a Dolce and Gabbana dress, DVF shoes, and more among the racks. Lots of great framed art too – you can lose yourself for hours just a-wanderin’.

According to the web site, the party will involve “live music by Roosevelt Dime, complimentary snacks and drinks, raffles, prizes and giveaways!” The proceeds from the night will benefit DRI, of course, making good matters better. It’s a win-win-win-win!

Cure’s birthday extravaganza will make your broke little heart all aflutter with positive energy and new old treasures, and you’ll no doubt meet some like-minded and well-second-hand-heeled New Yorkers. Now, go forth! Shamelessly acquire cool shit with minimal budget strain for a fantastic cause.

3rd Birthday Thrift Spectacular at Cure Thrift!
111 East 12th St. (between 3rd & 4th Ave)
Thursday, August 11th, 6pm – 10pm
Tickets are $5! FREE snacks and drinks!
(212) 505-7467


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Taylor McClure - Nomadic Ne'er-Do-Well

Taylor McClure - Nomadic Ne'er-Do-Well

The Virginia-born and bred Taylor McClure is a connoisseur of many things – cheese, music trivia, and communicating with cats, to name a few. She graduated cum laude in 2007, receiving a B.A. in English from a respected art school, and is well-versed in taking weird, often debasing and irrelevant jobs in order to fuel her writing and sustain her freelance lifestyle/addiction to champagne. A testament to the adaptability (read: indecision) of the human animal, she has "lived" in a different "home" every 3-12 months for several years – most recently Charlottesville, VA. Taylor has boldly re-landed in New York for what could conceivably be a while.