
Branding Yourself

Updated: Aug 17, 2011 11:42
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Broke-asses are always looking for ways to save money, and rightfully so. However, if you increase your income, that certainly improves your situation and your level of brokeassness. Aside from having 12 different jobs or standing on a street corner at night, there are ways to do just that.

Business owners are told to “brand” not only their products but themselves. This makes them more marketable which translates into them being more profitable. The same advise can apply to your broke-ass. You can “brand” yourself for FREE using a few hours of your spare time and a few minutes of monthly maintenance.

What is the purpose of branding yourself you ask? Lets say for example you are a waiter, you have always worked as a waiter and that’s what’s on your resume. However, you have a hidden talent, like for example you fix widgets in your spare time. If you market more of your talents as a part of your brand, you can not only pick up side gigs to make yourself more money but it may translate into your own business whether it be a full blown corporation or just some independent contracting that you do.

So how does one go about “branding” themselves? First things first is to do some homework on yourself. Google yourself and see what the world knows about you. If there are things out there that are less than impressive (that you have control over) take them down or disassociate yourself from the source. Start being mindful of what you put out there into the cyber world. For example, if you have a twitter account, keep it clean. Be yourself, but be cognizant of your audience. If you are thinking of capitalizing on your “hidden talent” start dropping hints via your social networks like” Hey, I just fixed a widget for Mrs. Jones down the street”. Voila! Now folks know that you fix widgets and may start asking how much you charge to fix widgets.

On a monthly basis, you should do a few things. Attract a larger audience to yourself using social media, fine tune your talents (if there are certifications in your field, spend a few dollars to get it if you think that it will help), do research on your competition. This doesn’t have to be a huge undertaking, but if you really feel you have something special its worth a shot to exploit yourself.

In these days of job uncertainty, you are your biggest asset. Don’t be afraid to sell yourself (legally, of course!). If you have a talent that you feel or that you have been told can make you money, go for it and don’t be afraid to let the world know who you are and what you are capable of!

Photo Credit: The Real College Guide

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Brandi Jarath - Miss Parsimony

Brandi Jarath - Miss Parsimony

Brandi Jarath started her credit counseling business after years of giving credit and financial advice to friends and family. She has 15 years of experience in credit and finance and has held positions in the accounting, mortgage, and banking fields. She donates her services to victims of domestic violence and low-income women.