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The Tamale Lady’s 60th Birthday Party is Friday at The Eagle

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As you’ve undoubtedly heard by now, The Man has set his sights on our beloved Tamale Lady and is trying to make it so that she can’t do the thing she does best: slang tamales. News broke last week that Virginia Ramos (aka The Tamale Lady) would no longer be allowed to sell tamales in the bar she is most often associated with, Zeitgeist.

In response, the folks over at The SF Eagle have opted to throw Virginia’s yearly birthday extravaganza this time around. It’s happening Friday June 21st at 7pm. Expect a showing of Our Lady of Tamale, the film about Virginia’s life, lots of tamales, and most likely a very drunk Tamale Lady. If you’re one of the many thousands of people who Virginia’s tamales have saved from puking/pregnancy/blacking out/passing out/pissing the bed/walking into on coming traffic/general death or any other malady due to drunkenness, you owe it to Virginia to hit up the Eagle Tavern and show your support. To quote an an old Tamale Lady shirt “The Tamale Lady Saves!” You should do the same for her.

The Tamale Lady’s 60th Birthday Party
Friday June 21st
The SF Eagle
398 12th St. @ Harrison St.

photo from SFGate

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Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap

Stuart Schuffman, aka Broke-Ass Stuart, is a travel writer, poet, TV host, activist, and general shit-stirrer. His website is one of the most influential arts & culture sites in the San Francisco Bay Area and his freelance writing has been featured in Lonely Planet, Conde Nast Traveler, The Bold Italic, and too many other outlets to remember. His weekly column, Broke-Ass City, appears every other Thursday in the San Francisco Examiner. Stuart’s writing has been translated into four languages. In 2011 Stuart created and hosted the travel show Young, Broke, and Beautiful on IFC and in 2015 he ran for Mayor of San Francisco and got nearly 20k votes.

He's been called "an Underground legend": SF Chronicle, "an SF cult hero":SF Bay Guardian, and "the chief of cheap": Time Out New York.