10 Pictures of Hunter Pence Being Hella Weird
Hunter Pence, the beautiful weirdo right fielder for the San Francisco Giants. This Texas native has given the world so many awkward amazing moments it was truly hard to narrow them down. But this lovable nerd certainly makes the National League West more interesting. With 201 career home runs he’s grand-slammed his way into our hearts and….and nightmares. Bless you Hunter!
1. With the ability to transform into a dead-ringer of Matthew McConaughey, he also is able to take on Matt’s infamous bongo skills.

via m.mlb.com
2. But also has the inability to hide that fact that green apple Gatorade is terrible.

via ilxor.com
3. Remembering his time in Philly he still seems rather fond of the Phanatic….a little too fond.

via irritant.blogspot.com
4. It’s a true talent to look like Daniel Stern and be totally carefree at the same time.

via fatmanwriting.com
5. But honestly, what kind of monster eats pizza with a fork?!

via m.mlb.com
6. Hunter must be a boggart because he looks riddikulus. Yes, I made a Harry Potter joke.

via twitter.com/hunterpence
7. Sir, your direwolf does not appear to be regulation?

via twitter.com/hunterpence
8. 10 minutes into Baseball and chill when he gives you the look…

via reddit.com
9. You know what Hunter, I’ll give you this one. That’s vaguely close to the face I made when I met Obama too.

via aroundthefoghorn.com
10. Here’s to questing for another championship Mr. Pence!

via twitter.com/hunterpence