Arts and CultureMusicPressSan Francisco

All Men Are Evil Except My Girlfriend

The Bay's best newsletter for underground events & news

Stud Show

It was my 34th birthday last week, and while I am not one who is naturally prone to fits of nostalgia. But as one advances up the life sentence ladder, it’s hard not to look at certain eras of one’s life with a starry eyed sense of reverence – to create totems of memory. For me this period of time was around 2009. I was newly out of a very shitty relationship, playing in an all-female punk band, and DJing like a motherfucker in a very queer, very female oriented Bay Area punk scene. At the eye of this fun-hurricane was The Stud, particularly a night called All Men Are Evil Except My Girlfriend. Hosted by Alex Cox and Walter Crasshole, this night was a melee of bands, DJs, performers, drag queens, videographers and freaks for days. What can I say, people got naked and people got crazy in the best ways. All Men Are Evil was a lodestar on the weirdo social calendar for about two years, and like all good things, it too came to pass.

Sometimes you stay up late at night and have a little too much pink wine and spend time messaging with people from your past life. For me, that was William King. A lovely man who I know from the All Men Are Evil days. But, and perhaps more importantly, William is also a videographer who captured much of the madness of our Stud days on film. This began a casual conversation of “Maybe we should co-produce a documentary using this footage.” “Yeah, that’s a killer idea.” So went this exchange until it was announced that perhaps our dirty, darling Stud might be on the chopping block. This inspired action. It was time to film the second half of our documentary, with a benefit show teeming with bands, DJs, and drag queens, with the proceeds going to save The Stud.

Thankfully, this story already has a happy ending – The Stud has already been saved. So now we can kick up our heels and give thanks to Satan himself that in an age when places with such historical value and character are disappearing left and right, The Stud will not be among the fallen. But the show, and our documentary, must go on.

So please join us Sunday and celebrate the one time return of All Men Are Evil Except My Girlfriend, hosted by queens Abortia and Mentlë Clinik and Lady Bear. There will also be performances by The Truants, Ancient Wing, Beauty Marks, Under The Bleachers, and Corpus Hideous as well as DJ TIMBER and more and help us celebrate The Stud and the generations of weirdos it continues to inspire.

All Men Are Evil Except My Girlfriend Reunion and Documentary Filming

Sunday, August 14, 6pm-2am

$5-10 sliding scale, no one turned away for lack of funds


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Kit Friday -Mild in the Streets

Kit Friday -Mild in the Streets

I am a writer, DJ, musician, vandal and I travel a lot.