Your Chance to Make California Even More Progressive

photo from The New West
This is your chance to make California even more progressive. And the best part is that it’s grassroots Democracy at its finest. We all know that real change has to start on the ground level and work its way up and that’s what this is.
On Sunday there will be a vote for Democratic assembly district delegates for District 17. These are the people who represent Democrats as delegates to the California State Convention, which means they cast very important endorsement votes on critical issues. They’re like the national delegates that we heard so much about during the Presidential campaign, but on a State level.
District 17 is the eastern part of San Francisco and a wonderful assortment of activists have come together to form a very sharp and progressive slate. They are calling themselves the Reform Democrats District 17 and bill themselves as a “Coalition of local community advocates running to represent Assembly District 17 as delegates to the California Democratic Party and oppose Trump’s agenda.”
Among the things they are championing are:
– Keith Ellison for DNC Chair.
– Medicare for all healthcare.
– Free quality public education K-through college.
– Sanctuary cities and undocumented immigrants.
– Campaign Finance Reform.
– Affordable housing, rent control and Ellis Act Reform.
– Criminal Justice Reform and end systemic racism.
– Right of workers to organize.
Not only do I support their goals, I’ve worked closely with at least half the people on the slate in my years of activism. These are the kinds of people we need helping make decisions for the State of California. They come from such backgrounds as Bay Area for Bernie, Jane Kim’s State Senate Campaign, The Harvey Milk Club, The Frisco 500, Hillary Ronen’s Supervisor Campaign, Preston Picus’ Campaign, The Latino Democratic Club, and a bunch of other progressive causes.
Anyways, here’s how you can help:
– Most importantly show up and vote for them. All you have to do is be a Democrat and go to Local 261 International Laborers Union Hall, at 3271 18th St., from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
– Pledge to show and volunteer to help out. You can learn more about doing that here.
– Party with them at Slate tomorrow night (Jan. 5th) for Stand Up for Reform Democrats: A Night of Comedy & Action
The Reform Democrats of District 19 need your help too!
They also have the same goals and are in a more conservative district. Here’s how you can help:
– Get out and vote for them on Sunday in Daly City.
– Donate to their campaign here.