SF to Bake Muffins for the Homeless
The Bay's best newsletter for underground events & news
Get out your spatulas and oven mitts and pull up your pants, National Muffin Day is coming up on Sunday, January 29th! For the third year in a row, San Francisco’s own Muffin Man, Jacob Kaufman, will be presenting San Franciscans (and friendly folks the world over) with his muffin challenge: for every person who bakes muffins and hands them out to hungry folks in need, Jacob will donate $10 to Project Homeless Connect, and his law firm Smithline PC will match. Think of it as the anti-Prop Q! You can evidence your baking and charity by posting a pic on the Facebook page below or putting it on Twitter or Instagram with the hashtag #givemuffins.
For more education and entertainment (or “edutainment,” if you will), check out these funky-fresh links:
- Official Facebook Event Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/363503940676059/
- Splash Page: http://bit.ly/NMDJan29
- 2017 Blog Post: http://bit.ly/Lessonsfrom4000Muffins
- New for this year: MUFFIN MUSIC!
Jacob can’t wait to see all of your muffin pics! Let’s Bake America Muffins Again!
Tags:national muffin day