San Francisco

SF to Bake Muffins for the Homeless

The Bay's best newsletter for underground events & news
Get out your spatulas and oven mitts and pull up your pants, National Muffin Day is coming up on Sunday, January 29th!  For the third year in a row, San Francisco’s own Muffin Man, Jacob Kaufman, will be presenting San Franciscans (and friendly folks the world over) with his muffin challenge: for every person who bakes muffins and hands them out to hungry folks in need, Jacob will donate $10 to Project Homeless Connect, and his law firm Smithline PC will match.  Think of it as the anti-Prop Q! You can evidence your baking and charity by posting a pic on the Facebook page below or putting it on Twitter or Instagram with the hashtag #givemuffins.

For more education and entertainment (or “edutainment,” if you will), check out these funky-fresh links:

Jacob can’t wait to see all of your muffin pics! Let’s Bake America Muffins Again!

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Alex Mak - Managing Editor

Alex Mak - Managing Editor

I'm the managing editor and co-owner of this little experiment. I enjoy covering & Publishing Bay Area News as well as writing about Arts, Culture & Nightlife.

If you're a writer, artist, or performer who would like to get your work out there, or if you've got great things to promote, we've got 200K followers and really fun ways to reach them. We love making things with other Bay creatives, for our partners, and our community. Don't be shy.
alex at
IG: @alexmaksf