Superheroes Fighting Trump Policy, in Trump Country, CA
Wonder Woman Underoos were both my favorite underwear and favorite outfit as a kid. I just loved practicing lassoing the “bad guy,” usually the eager-to-please family dog. In addition to a curious aversion to pants, this instilled in me a desire to be courageous, do the right thing, and ultimately, triumph over evil.
Out here in Nevada County, just 140 miles away from San Francisco, we are deep in Trump Country. Never fear, there are a number of wonder women standing up in the Resistance that I have had the good fortune to get to know over the past few weeks:
Barb DeHart, Marilyn Nyborg and Elisa Parker got a few gal pals together after the 2016 Presidential election to talk about how to fight for women’s rights and protections in Nevada County. At first it was a handful of women, then 30, and then at the next meeting at Valentina’s Bistro, 300 frickin’ women showed up! Now there are almost 3000 members on the IWNC Facebook Group. These dynamos are working to set up Indivisible Women Nevada County as a permanent organization and support network for local women in the Resistance.
Sheila Cameron was one of the organizers of the Women’s March in Sacramento. She took up the charge to organize “Day without a Woman” events in both Grass Valley and Nevada City. With only five days’ notice, she pulled together soapbox speakers and performances in the town square, special events and discounts at local businesses, and a discussion on race and intersectional feminism on our local radio station. An artist as well as an activist, Sheila creates free, printable postcards that you can use to send your messages to your representatives.
Stephanie Nix figured there should be a new broadcast about how our representatives in DC are voting, and how those votes impact out local community. So, without any prior experience, she scripted and produced a radio show under California District One Media. It now airs weekly on KVMR, serving the Sierra Foothills, the Sacramento Valley, and Tahoe/Truckee, and on KKRN in Redding. You can listen to it on SoundCloud.
As we know from the live-action classics, before a superhero actually saves the day, there is that moment of uncertainty, when her dastardly foe taunts her with the ultimate doubt, “You’ll never stop me!” For me, my arch-nemesis is my own inner critic, the one that kicks me in the stomach every time I dial up my Representative’s office, or walk up to the protest with my hand-made sign, or show up alone to the Indivisible meeting.
Not this time Inner Critic! KA-BOOM! POW!
Here I am on YouTube with your weekly watchdog report for California District One Media. I was invited to be guest anchor for the first few episodes. The crew is amazing and have made it an incredible experience for me. I am obviously not a professional, just an everyday constituent.
So why don’t you join us? Show your doubts who’s boss, find your golden cuffs and put your dukes up.