Arts and CultureBoozeMusicSan Francisco

We Wanna Send You to See Fatboy Slim at Loveboat Halloween

The Bay's best newsletter for underground events & news

Set sail for the high seas on October 27 and 28 at Pier 70 and embark on the 10-Year Anniversary celebration of America’s most epic Halloween event, San Francisco’s Legendary Ghost Ship Halloween. For 2017, LoveBoat Halloween will boast the same grand-scale production you have come to expect year after year. For nine years the event has dropped jaws and thrilled thousands from around the world with unparalleled original art installations schemed and built from scratch from recyclable materials and enjoyed only at this event. 2017 will be the final year at Pier 70, and to celebrate the momentous decade, superstar producers Fatboy Slim and Moby (DJ Set) headline LoveBoat Halloween! The Bay Area’s premier Halloween bash rolls out the big guns for its 10th Anniversary.

Just look at how dope the party will be

Check out all the amazing art and music lineup that’s happening and get your tickets here. Otherwise enter below:

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Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap

Stuart Schuffman, aka Broke-Ass Stuart, is a travel writer, poet, TV host, activist, and general shit-stirrer. His website is one of the most influential arts & culture sites in the San Francisco Bay Area and his freelance writing has been featured in Lonely Planet, Conde Nast Traveler, The Bold Italic, and too many other outlets to remember. His weekly column, Broke-Ass City, appears every other Thursday in the San Francisco Examiner. Stuart’s writing has been translated into four languages. In 2011 Stuart created and hosted the travel show Young, Broke, and Beautiful on IFC and in 2015 he ran for Mayor of San Francisco and got nearly 20k votes.

He's been called "an Underground legend": SF Chronicle, "an SF cult hero":SF Bay Guardian, and "the chief of cheap": Time Out New York.