Broke-Ass Stuart’s Weekly NYC Comedy Breakdown!
New York City is known for many things. To some, it’s the dirty-water hot dogs from a street cart or pizza on every corner. To some, it’s the flashing Broadway lights of the iconic Times Square. What can’t be denied by anyone is the fact that New York City is one of the biggest entertainment capitols of the world. And we’re making Broke-Ass Stuart your go-to for weekly stand-up comedy listings in the Big Apple. Each week, we’ll highlight the best of the best in the stand-up comedy world from the best producers in the business. We’ll highlight clubs, basements, bars & maybe even a secret location or two.
And with that being said: Here’s your weekly breakdown!
Mondays (Weekly/Monthly):
Guaranteed Delivery at The Mailroom (110 Wall St.)
Hosts: Kevin McCaffrey
The first Monday of the month, “Weekly Humorist” brings you the Guaranteed Delivery Show! The Mailroom is quickly becoming Manhattan’s newest swanky comedy den and for good reason. It’s one of the best new venues in town in a prime location ran by people that want to see it succeed. This month’s show is crazy good and features one of NYC’s finest: Neko White. No cover!
Haunted Comedy at The Slaughtered Lamb (182 W. 4th St)
Host: Roddy MacInnes
This Monday at 8pm, the Haunted Comedy team bring you a ghoulish line up of some of the best comics NYC has to offer. The Slaughtered Lamb is one of the cooler venues in NYC. It’s a horror themed bar based around “An American Werewolf in London” and it’s straight up fun. The show is free, there’s drink specials and this week features Mark Normand & Dan Lamorte.
The Roast Of History at Union Hall (702 Union St. btwn 5th & 6th Ave, Brooklyn)
Host: A Surprise
This Monday at 8pm, you’re in for a cool treat in Brooklyn. You read that correctly…we’re roasting history. Straight up, talking shit about history. There’s a lot to roast and some of the best roasters around are ready to go including JP McDade and Jordan Carlos. Get your tickets HERE

Brendan Sagalow Appearing At Grey Lady NYC on Tuesday! – Photo Credit: Brendan Sagalow
Tuesdays (Weekly/Monthly):
Punderdome at littlefield (635 Sackett St, Brooklyn)
Host: Fred & Jo Firestone
You like puns? Are you a puntastic fan of punny humor? Every first Tuesday of the month, you can go to littlefield at 8pm and enter the Punderdome! This unique show is a pun competition where individuals and duos compete for punnerific prizes and get judged by the oh so accurate “Human Clap-O-Meter”. It’s $10 at the door or in advance!.
Hot Soup! At Irish Exit (978 2nd Ave)
Host: Varies
Every Tuesday at 8pm, one of the hottest shows in the country comes to The Irish Exit. Producers Gary Vider, Matt Ruby & Mark Normand have one of the longest running and hottest shows ever on their hands and it’s one of those shows that you absolutely must experience in NYC. Get there early for a seat. There are always surprises. Don’t miss out!
Baby Shower VII at Grey Lady NYC (77 Delancey St.)
Host: Tobin Miller
This Tuesday at 9pm, you should get on over to Manhattan’s Lower East Side neighborhood & pull up to The Grey Lady. You see, Tobin Miller has put together one hell of a free show for you the last thing you’d wanna do is miss it. The line up this week is insane and features famed “Amy Schumer Interrupted” act, Brendan Sagalow.
Wednesdays (Weekly/Monthly)
Better Days Comedy at Better Days (302 Broome St.)
Hosted by: Petey DeAbreu
Wednesdays at 9pm, Petey hosts one of the best shows in NYC. It’s one of those shows that you can only catch in places like NYC or LA. It’s an amazing show every week filled with headliners left & right and it’s free every single week. Get out there every week.
The Headliner Series at The Creek and The Cave (10-93 Jackson Ave. Queens)
Hosted By: Jonas Barnes
Yeah, this show is hosted by me. Does that make me biased? You’re goddamn right it does. But it’s a great show that I put together every first Wednesday of the month and I’m super proud of it. We always feature a fresh crop of NYC’s best but the real star of the show is the headliner dropping 40 minutes. This month features Calise Hawkins in the headlining spot. Free w/ free beer too!
Scamp at Starr Bar (214 Starr Street, Brooklyn)
Host: Mara Wiles, Jess Reed, Kendall Farrell
The Wednesday at 8pm, Brooklyn is coming alive with some damn fine comedy variety from SCAMP! You’re getting a free show (but also, suggested donation because comedians like money) with top tir talent every time. This one is no different as it features Sydnee Washington from MTV and Casey James Salengo from Comedy Central and more!.

Rosebud Baker @ The Lantern Thursday – Photo Credit: Time Out NY
Thursday (Weekly/Monthly)
Don’t Tell NYC at ??? In Williamsburg, Brooklyn
Host: ???
So many questions! At 7:30pm, somewhere in Williamsburg, the “Don’t Tell Comedy” team is putting on a secret show full of mysteries that you can’t afford to miss. They know what they’re doing and they put on shows all over the country in everything from living rooms to lofts to rooftops to movie theaters to converted buildings to whatever they want and they always have a monster line up. This is a unique NYC experience. Tickets HERE
Giggles & Cream at The Lantern (167 Bleeker St)
Host: Maddy Smith
Thursday at 7:30pm,The Village Lantern comes alive before the weekend. This week, the Giggles & Cream crew are back at it with a hell of a line up for the price of zero. Time Out NY has listed this as one of the best free shows in the city for good reason. This week features a great lineup including Rosebud Baker.
Amanda: A Comedy Show at VON (3 Bleeker St.)
Host: Dwayne Paul Cullen & Ryan Malco
This Thursday at 7:30pm, Amanda’s Favorite Boys, Dwayne & Ryan, bring you a show filled with hilarity from wall to wall! This is the debut outing from the boys and they’ve put together an amazing line up for you. And it’s all sorts of free! And VON is an awesome, fun basement venue! So get on out there!

Erik Bergstrom @ Secret Loft on Friday! – Photo Credit: Twitter
Friday (Weekly/Monthly)
Comedy Dance Party at Secret Loft (Manhattan)
Host: Petey DeAbreu
Oh, hey, two secret location shows in one week! This one is at 9pm in Manhattan somewhere. And there is free pizza. And a dace party after the show. And a ridiculous line up including so many NYC heavy hitters that it will make your head spin. Erik Bergstrom is on the show and he’s fresh off a Colbert Show appearance. Tickets are ONLY available in advance. Get em HERE
Creek Cave Live at Creek and The Cave (10-93 Jackson Ave)
Host: Varies
At 8pm on Friday nights, you’re invited to one of the best weekend shows in the city! Comedy den mother Rebecca Trent books & oversees a show full of the best comics in the country. There’s always a solid line up plus drop in performers left & right. Only $5!
Saturdays (Weekly)
The Early Show at New York Comedy Club (241 E. 24th St.)
Host: Varies
Remember when I talked about Ryan Dacalos earlier? Well, on top of his Monday Night show, he also runs one of the best shows in NYC on Saturdays at 5pm. You read that correctly…a 5pm show that is always damn good. He books a revolving line up of regulars like Aaron Berg along with drop ins from NYC & LA every weekend.
The Quiet Storm Show at The Misfit Hive (38-02 61st St. Queens)
Host: JJ Mattise & Will Delaney
This Saturday at 7:30pm, you’re getting a rare cheap show in NYC! Weekends are full of high priced cover charges, prix fix menus and 2 drink minimums. If you make your way out to Queens, right off the 7 train, you’ll find one of the coolest new DIY spaces in NYC: The Misfit Hive. This venue is dedicated to up & coming, new comics and helping them develop. And, if I do say so myself, its just a really cool venue.

Yamaneika Saunders @ The PIT This Sunday! – Photo Credit: Goldstar
Sunday (Weekly/Monthly)
Don’t Quit Your Day Job at The Grisly Pear (107 MacDougal St.)
Host: Amarie Castillo
On Sundays, one of NYC’s favorite comics, Amarie Castillo, hosts an early show full of NYC’s best. The nice thing about a 4pm & 6pm show is that there aren’t many of them so there’s a lot of big names available. Not only is Amarie one of the best onstage, she’s one of the best producers in NYC. See ya for brunch.
The Last Laugh at The PIT (123 E. 24th St.)
Host: Varies
Every Sunday at 8pm, you can see one of the best weekly shows in the city to end your week right. In the Underground Theater at The PIT, The Last Laugh comes through and delivers the goods. This coming Sunday, your headliner is Yamaneika Saunders.