Bill Gates’ Affairs And Epstein Ties Starting To Hit The Fan

Image: GregRubenstein2 via Flickr
We already knew that tech executives loved to roll with Jeffrey Epstein, and that Bill Gates was one of them. And there’s been new intrigue around all of that since Melinda Gates announced she was divorcing Bill’s ass and his Epstein connections were a “sore spot” for her. But a bombshell exposé in today’s New York Times entitled “Long Before Divorce, Bill Gates Had Reputation for Questionable Behavior” airs a shit-ton more dirty laundry about how much time Gates was spending with Epstein, and how Bill Gates was constantly hitting on the women who worked for him at Microsoft and the Gates Foundation.
That article may be behind a paywall for you, so we picked out the juiciest gossip on Gates’ creeper behavior.
“In some circles, Bill Gates had also developed a reputation for questionable conduct in work-related settings,” the Times reported today. “On at least a few occasions, Mr. Gates pursued women who worked for him at Microsoft and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, according to people with direct knowledge of his overtures.”
The article details how Bill Gates and Epstein were doing plenty of private-jetting around, years after Epstein had pled guilty to soliciting sex from a minor, and how this was enormously fucking awkaward for his wife, who now seems to be transitioning into be called “Melinda French Gates.”
“Ms. French Gates had expressed discomfort with her husband spending time with the sex offender, but Mr. Gates continued doing so,” according to the Times. The paper had also a separate 2019 exposé that led her to start calling divorce lawyers.
“The Times article included details about Mr. Gates’s interactions with Mr. Epstein that Ms. French Gates had not previously known,” according to the report. “The revelations in The Times were especially upsetting to Ms. French Gates because she had previously voiced her discomfort with her husband associating with Mr. Epstein.”
“For years, Mr. Gates continued to go to dinners and meetings at Mr. Epstein’s home, where Mr. Epstein usually surrounded himself with young and attractive women,” the Times said.
But it’s not just the Epstein stuff dripping out now. Apparently Bill Gates would hit on his women employees rather on the regular. The Times report indicates (but does not prove) that the reason he stepped down from the Microsoft board of directors because he was forced to after he “sought to initiate an intimate relationship with a company employee in the year 2000.”
“Mr. Gates was known for making clumsy approaches to women in and out of the office,” according to the Times. “His behavior fueled widespread chatter among employees about his personal life.”
“Long after they married in 1994, Mr. Gates would on occasion pursue women in the office,” the paper described. “In 2006, for example, he attended a presentation by a female Microsoft employee. Mr. Gates, who at the time was the company’s chairman, left the meeting and immediately emailed the woman to ask her out to dinner.”
“‘If this makes you uncomfortable, pretend it never happened,’” Gates allegedly emailed to her. “The woman was indeed uncomfortable, the two people said. She decided to pretend it had never happened.”
Sounds like it’s about to get a lot harder for Bill Gates to pretend these things never happened.