
Is the Mission the Most Electrifying Neighborhood in San Francisco?

The Bay's best newsletter for underground events & news

By Vanessa Hutchinson-Szekely
Audio intro/outro music by Jef Shadoan

This column is in the spirit of a “Dear Abby”, with a focus on solutions in the form of micro SF neighborhood deep dives and curated holistic health-centered itineraries

Episode 5: Explore SF: Cultural Explosion in the Mission

Dear CITY Counselor,

I’m a teacher in SFUSD sobbing into my neighborhood tacos.

I moved to THE CITY last year, to the beloved Mission, but I’m too stressed right now to really explore my new hood. I dreamt of being a teacher my entire life but am totally dismayed by so many things that are out of my control.

My students and colleagues are amazing! I love them, but I’m blown away at the organizational issues that make this job harder than it needs to be and TBH how expensive this city is on my teacher salary.

For example: the new Empower payroll system keeps messing up my paychecks, I recently received an apology letter claiming my wages weren’t accurately reported to the state by the district and how this may pose tax issues, and I can never get a hold of anyone in HR. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

With all of this in mind, take me under your wing.

By upping the weekend entertainment, I’m hoping to counterbalance my current state of turmoil and jet into the work week full blast. My students deserve a better version of myself than the anxious ball of masa I turn into on Sunday night.

Energize, Encourage and Excite me please,

MATT—Moody And Tearfilled Tacos — in the Mission

Dear MATT,

I bow down to you as it seems like quite the time to be a teacher in this fine city, especially with the neverending Empower debacle.

Standing on my educaption soapbox for a hot sec: How in the world has the title “Teacher” (and pay) remained the same since the dinosaur era but the job description has clearly increased 1,000,000 fold?

Currently, teachers are trained to be community builders who get to know each student personally via formal and informal assessments. Then they analyze that information to create individualized goals for key skills aligned with state and national standards. Next, they monitor and track progress and report to kids and caregivers how they’re doing. Simultaneously, they create engaging and safe environments where kids are able to access content at their level, be inspired by the material and have fun learning and playing with their peers. Equally important, teachers are diplomats navigating the changing seas of communication between schools site leaders, district messages and family input. Finally, they are also on the front lines daily to nurture their students and enforce social emotional learning habits of mind.

Hence, teachers are literally amazing human beings, as are all folks working in person at school sites to support the kids! From the description above, teachers belong in the C suite and should be paid accordingly. Would we be in such a dire “Great Resignation” state if salaries aligned accurately to recruit and retain for this high powered, challenging, inspiring and creative position?

With your 3 E plea in mind (Energize, Encourage and Excite), check out this itinerary to get to know your new neighborhood better and have a blast before the Sunday Scaries set in:

The Mission is rich. Rich in history, amazing people, culture, and ambiance.

To become acquainted with some key characters a bit more, and have an understanding of the latino community at the heart of this hood check out the short documentary “The Mission” by Hélène Goupil in collaboration with “Still I Rise” films.

This movie focuses on Valerie Tulier-Laiwa, a former lowrider and longtime activist, and her work with the Mission District’s Latino Task Force. This is the trailer, but the full movie will be released very soon on Mission Local’s site.



It’s an intimate portrayal of how this community came together during the early stages of the pandemic, and showcases some awesome older footage of the Mission back in the day.


Adding to your context quest, make sure to also subscribe to Mission Local. This is an online independent news source based in the Mission that serves up daily articles chronicling events in the area, as well as the rest of the city.


From context to adventure, it’s time to dive into the suggestions (all on or very near Mission street between 18th and 25th).

First off, kick it on over to the corner of 19th and Mission, to the newly opened and very affordable “Bay Area Revives” thrift/vintage shop.

Have I been waiting my entire life for this kind of place? YEEEESSSSS! Cesar Avila is killing it with his $20 grab bag deal where you can pick through sweet street wear as well as classic sweaters, sports paraphernalia and rad mixed patterns. Check out what’s new on the racks, watch VHS movies or just chat it up with Cesar.

He’s combining his entrepreneurial skills with a big heart, providing us with useful cool retreads, and hoping to eventually set up a system to outfit foster care youth.


While you’re shopping, hunt for an exercise ensemble as you’re bopping next straight into a dance class one block away.

Bissap Baobab, Marco Senghor’s outstanding West African establishment that has been holding it down for over two decades in the Mission, recently relocated to the block between 18th and 19th street.            

In their new spot, they are not only offering their classically delicious Senegalese food and world music dance fever jams, but also so many language conversation meetups, soccer watching hangouts on the big TVs and…dance classes!

Nothing to energize and excite you more than grooving and sweating with Jaretta as she captivates and encourages you to let loose and move your bod, while playing the BEST songs. This “everybody’s welcome to the party” situation reminds you how life is beautiful and so fun. Classes are on Mondays at 10am and Tuesdays at 6:30pm. No dancing background required.

Bissap Baobab could be your one stop shop so keep that ticket in your back pocket for any time you want to head straight to good times. However, we’re ping ponging around the hood to introduce you to a couple other spots.

As a result, we are bee-lining it directly to La Taqueria on Mission and 25th Street. Hands down, my absolute favorite taqueria. Yes, you heard that bold statement correctly.

As conversations about burritos dominate my household, I’ve spent a gazillion hours talking about the California burrito experience doing a cross comparison analysis between the biggest cities and everything in between. For a NorCal burrito with excellent quality meat options, loads of guacamole, fresh yummy pico de gallo and spicy green tomatillo salsa, this is THE SPOT.

Big thing to note is that they don’t add rice so if rice is your main squeeze then you may enter into an arm wrestling match with me over the classic debate of “BEST burrito in SF”.

La Taqueria tacos are huge (and a hard call to make between them or a burrito), and you can get a crispy taco surrounded by a soft one then topped with all the goods. Don’t forget their fresh strawberry juice or their signature green salsa. We’re raising our babies on this stuff.

Nothing will envelope you better after a doomsday district email about yet another payroll fiasco, then this type of comfort food. Everybody deserves a great taco, especially you dear teacher friend!

Then, to round out your excitement, finish off the taco party with some …wine!! And, nothing complements wine better than…a podcast about wine?! Why wait until you’re retired to become that sommelier you’ve secretly fantasized of becoming.

Listen to Helen Johannesen on Wine Face and then delight (or not!) your friends with your constant knowledge dropping.

Look into this Kolfok, a natural Austrian Gruner Veltliner and IMHO an awesome orange. As for Helen, she’s solid, a total burst of energy, wit and information, a perfect pairing for your evening if you will.

Back to your itinerary: 2 options here for two different wine stops, or combo them for a big bash.

  • Head to Buddy the wine bar for some retro chic vibes, delicious snacks and great pet nat or natural vino options. It’s a block off Mission on 22nd street, staring at the red as red Hua-Zang Si Buddha temple across the street. 

Afterwards, scoot next door to the House of Seiko. This new art gallery founded by Cole Solinger and Nicolas Torres in 2022 features different artists for monthly residencies. In April, it’s Tyler Ormsby’s turn.


  • Check out Arcana on Mission and 21st Street for gorgeous plants, an excellent wine menu and non stop late night events. There’s even a daily “wintender’s special” and many non-alcoholic wine alternatives.

On April 15th there’s one of their fabulous regular bands playing, Barrio Manouche! Who’s meeting me?

Tremendous sound of jazz Manouche, modern jazz, Flamenco and Latin-American rhythms.  Coincidentally, Javi Jimenez (their leader) performed the music for “The Mission” and the group often also plays at Bissap. Full circle ending with a jungle atmosphere.

With all of these ideas, I’m hoping that you feel encouraged, excited and energized to return to school as your best Monday self with a cup brimming full of love.

I see you teacher MATT, and I raise my natural wine glass up to you and ALL OF THE TEACHERS EVERYWHERE. Thank you.

Know that I pray to all of the goddesses that your current contract negotiations will prove massively fruitful, as you deserve the biggest of big raises.

Bon courage,



Current news issues to pay attention to:

  • SFUSD salary negotiations are happening and all teachers could use your support and encouragement during these times. Please drive by or attend a rally (more info here). Educating kids should be top priority for society. How great would it be if THE CITY became a model for the rest of the country in that regard.

  • Bissap Baobab also needs your help and support (donations appreciated and more info here).

Mission Recap:


** This article is only part Satire, i.e. ALL the characters and quotes are fictional
BUT the recs are pure gold.*

** If you have any places to recommend for THE CITY Counselor, throw me a DM.



  1. 12/1/22: Reset & Boost Your Vibes in The Inner Richmond

  2. 1/1/23: Maximizing the Fun Factor in Mission Bernal

  3. 2/2/23: Breaking out of Boredom in the Parkside Taraval Corridor (English)
    Sortir de l’Ennui dans le Couloir Parkside-Taraval (French)

  4. 3/1/23: Muse Moments in NOPA- Divisadero (English)
    Retrouvez sa Muse dans le quartier de NOPA (French)

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Explorez SF : Explosion culturelle dans le quartier de la Mission

Vanessa Hutchinson-Szekely

Vanessa Hutchinson-Szekely

Vanessa Hutchinson-Szekely is a California-French educator, writer and mindfulness advocate. As the founder of "Big Belly Breathing", including a podcast and YouTube channel, she offers mindfulness joy resources in English and French (not just 4Kids!). Vanessa writes regularly, recently authored the Joy Burst journal, and teaches yoga throughout The City, bringing her passion for well-being to diverse communities.

Also, she is born and raised in THE CITY.