
28 May 2024

Delicious Eats, Drinks, & Songs at BottleRock 2024

There was plenty of musical nostalgia at Bottle Rock this year with Stevie Nicks and Pearl Jam headlining, St. Vincent and Megan Thee Stallion kept the children of soccer moms and wine dads dancing through the day, While Steph Curry and Bradly Cooper shot cheesesteaks like basketballs to us in

28 May 2024

Can We Stop Putting Tech Billionaires’ Names On Bay Area Hospitals?

I was stuck in a traffic jam on CA-24 in Oakland and I started to look around. I like driving, I know it’s cool to hate cars, and I understand the root of their argument – cars are bad for cities, and investments in public transportation are what is needed

Abraham Woodliff - Bay Area Memelord 0
28 May 2024

Why Recalling The Mayor Won’t Fix Crime In Oakland

The recall effort against Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao is progressing, with the group behind it, Oakland United to Recall Sheng Thao (OUST), claiming they’ve collected over 30,000 signatures. This exceeds the 25,000 needed by July to qualify for the November ballot. Brenda Harbin-Forte, OUST President and retired Alameda County judge,

Abraham Woodliff - Bay Area Memelord 0
26 May 2024

AI-Generated “Remasters” Fail to Replicate Musical Talent, Originality

by James Conrad Though he only stood 5’4, the British musician Stephen Peter Marriott had a deceptively and indescribably powerful singing voice. Artists like Robert Plant, Paul Stanley and Steve Perry view him as a role model. As a child, he started on ukulele and later moved on to guitar,

Guest Writer 0
26 May 2024

Mayor London Breed to Pose Devastating Budget Cuts

Facing eviction, certain people will soil and vandalize the property they occupied as a last word to their landlord. They rip copper pipes from walls, scratch and pit the floor, break windows and toilets. We’ve all heard stories of vengeful tenants smearing feces on walls. It’s a rotten thing to

Jake Warren 0
24 May 2024

Lakeshore Cafe Shutters After 22 Years in Oakland

Say goodbye to another beloved breakfast spot, Lakeshore Cafe in Oakland. They originally opened 22 years ago and have been a go-to for many folks from The Town as the best place for a full breakfast that won’t break the bank. It’s their last weekend in business. In an Instagram post announcing the closure, the owners of Lakeshore Cafe mention that May 27th will be their last day of business.

Katy Atchison 0
24 May 2024

Music Al Fresco: There’s A New Sound in The Town

The midday sun was bright and strong, but thankfully Franklin Square in Uptown Oakland was well-shaded, with two large picnic tables, a half dozen smaller metal ones, and a woman in a red dress crooning into a microphone. A man jangled keys on a color-matched keyboard behind her.

This was AMP Lunch and Listen, a new series of free weekly lunch hour concerts presented by Oakland Central as part of its Oakland Works Wednesdays, a program looking to revitalize downtown with arts and commerce.

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