
16 Aug 2024

Five Steps for Exorcizing a Haunted House

The Bay Area is hella haunted. Are you ready for the spiritual energy that’s coming? Suspend your disbelief, ye skeptics, because you’re outnumbered. Over 50% of Americans believe in ghosts. Now that that’s out of the way, let’s start with the basics. A haunting, according to anthropologists, is “the way

16 Aug 2024

Quilting for Palestine

The Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) Bay Area art team is raising mutual aid funding for Palestinians through a massive quilting project they’re calling Bound Together.  People of all sewing skill levels are invited.  On Sunday, August 11th, would-be quilters were invited to the back patio of a tattoo parlor

16 Aug 2024

Do Crossing Guards Now Need to Worry About Waymo?

SFUSD heads back to school Monday, August 19. Are San Francisco’s streets and the people who use them ready? Public school in San Francisco begins again next week. Throughout The City, there are just under 200 crossing guards who help move 50,000 students from home to school and back safely.

15 Aug 2024

Hundreds of Musicians Playing FREE Live Music on Market St.

Busk it! directly supports local musicians and live performers with a living wage and creates a dynamic, joyful environment for patrons, residents, and those who work or visit the area.

15 Aug 2024

How Art Transformed the Bay During a Pandemic

Painting the Void: How Art Transformed the San Francisco Bay Area During A Global Pandemic

14 Aug 2024

The Bernal Heights Woman Who Stopped Car Thieves by Throwing Soup

After moving to the City in 2013, my husband and I settled in beautiful Bernal Heights. We loved everything about it. Everything, of course, except some of the neighbors. One time, we witnessed a yelling match between the people next to us and the people behind us about whether or

Natalie Mead 0
14 Aug 2024

What’s Really Behind the Recent Race Riots in the UK?

The past few weeks have been, to put it mildly, abysmal for an Englishman. For the first time in a generation, race riots tarnished our streets. 

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So I can send you awesome freebies, weird events, incredible articles, and gold doubloons (note: one of these is not true).


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