
Patriot Prayer Cancels Crissy Field Rally, Announces Press Conference at Alamo Square

The Bay's best newsletter for underground events & news

The organizers of Patriot Prayer, the group holding the permit for the rally at Crissy Field announced today on Facebook Live that they are cancelling Saturday’s rally due to security concerns.  Instead they will be attempting to hold a ‘Press Conference” at Alamo Square at 2pm Saturday.

Patriot Prayer lead spokesman Joey Gibson stated on their video Friday afternoon (24 hours before the rally was planned to begin): “After several conversations with the police and understanding the situation of what’s going on, we’ve decided that tomorrow really seems like a setup,” Gibson said. “It doesn’t seem safe, a lot of people’s lives are going to be in danger tomorrow.”

He  continued: “We hoped that people would be searched and turned away at the park line, but that wasn’t going to happen so anyone could come in..antifa… or white supremacists could have come in.”

Facebook LIVE Video: Patriot Prayer cancels “Freedom Rally San Francisco Aug. 26, 2017 at Crissy Field”


Freedom Rally San Francisco Aug. 26, 2017 at Crissy Field Beac…

Freedom Rally San Francisco Aug. 26, 2017 at Crissy Field Beach WATCH LIVE HERE —> Follow me at Connect with us at

Posted by Will Johnson on Friday, August 25, 2017

Three of the Patriot Prayer spokesmen openly blamed liberal politicians and ‘the media’ for mislabeling their event and attracting extremist elements.  In so many words, they claimed that comments by Nancy Pelosi and Mayor Ed Lee in the press calling it a ‘white-supremacist rally’ were essential ‘fear mongering’ tactics that encouraged extremist like the white supremacist to join the rally as well as ‘dangerous’ elements of anti-fascists groups like ‘Antifa’.

So it wasn’t your rally attracting Nazis to San Francisco…it was Nancy Pelosi?…

On one hand, Patriot Prayer has a point.  They have never claimed to be a white supremacist or a neo-nazis group.  The Southern Poverty Law Center does not list them as a hate group,  and yet their rally was repeatedly painted as a ‘white nationalist’ affair by the press.

On the other hand, Patriot Prayer rallies do attract white nationalist groups.  At their Portland rally, Patriot Prayer’s spokesman Joey Gibson marched with self-identified white nationalists groups like Evropa (notably chapter leader Jake Von Ott).  And there were fist fights between counter protesters and the ‘alt right’.  Patriot Prayer also hires and hangs out with well armed and unregulated militia groups like the ‘Oath Keepers’ and “III Percent” as well as being enthusiastic Trump supporters.

If you are at all curious as to what Patriot Prayer have to say, they are now holding a, un-permitted, impromptu ‘Press Conference’ in Alamo Square.  A much smaller venue that is in the middle of a neighborhood, and of course seems much less secure.  The SF City Hall has already stated they will not issue a permit for Alamo Square, and since there will be no fencing to separate apposing groups or planned security to stop weapons from entering the park, this impromptu event seems to pose a much greater security risks than Crissy Field.

Meanwhile, Counter Protests are Still Happening at Dolores Park, the Castro & Civic Center

LovedUp Mobile Dance Rally

Bring an FM boom box and join a few thousand others in creating the world’s largest mobile soundsystem; as we join togeher to protest in the universal language of ‘shake yo ass’. 

The alt-right has been planning their rally for weeks and in 2 days we had 20 times the people. We’re not going to ignore them; we’re going to do something better. Bigger. Inclusive and supporting. 

What we have in mind… 
US: We bring a mobile, portable FM radio station and broadcast as many bangin, protest dance athems as you can shake your amazing booty to. 

YOU: Dress in your amazing colorful best, BRING AN FM RADIO playing boom box and tune into our FM signal. The more boomboxes the more music, the more counter-rally goodness. We’re talking a thousand or so happy people, with a soundsytem in everyone’s hands. 

WHERE: We will start at noon at Dolores Park where we will dance it out for about an hour before walking to joing the Come Together march coming from the Castro. Then its to Civic Center to join the party in progress there.




August 26 @ 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Harvey Milk Plaza, 2401 Market St
San Francisco, CA 94114 United States 
+ Google Map

In light of the tragic events in Charlottesville and the ongoing fascist rhetoric of President Trump, the citizens of San Francisco are summoned to show their commitment to Equal Rights for all. A peaceful gathering dedicated to promoting inclusivity and love, we invite you to join as a we demonstrate together in opposition to those who deny the rights of equality for all. This event for Equality is open to everyone who believes in diversity, inclusivity, and the power of a free and equal democracy.

Find out more »



August 27 @ 11:00 am – 2:00 pm
ohlone park, Hearst Ave. and MLK Jr. Way
Berkeley, CA United States 
+ Google Map

Our powerful SURJ contingent will gather to refuse violence and intimidation by white supremacists and nazis who intend to rally in Berkeley on August 27. Our strength is in our numbers. Meet at Ohlone Park and march with us to Berkeley City Hall where we will maintain a presence and send a clear message: No racism, no hate speech in Berkeley. We stand strong for Black lives and racial justice, and shoulder to shoulder against Islamophobia, anti-Semitism, homophobia, and the scapegoating of immigrants.

Find out more »



August 27 @ 12:30 pm – 2:30 pm
Crescent Lawn UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 United States + Google Map

We’re residents of the Bay Area — people of color, working class people, immigrants, queer, lesbian, gay, bi, and trans people, liberals, leftists, and others. We think it’s time to get together, to celebrate our differences in solidarity, and peacefully speak out against the hateful currents in American society. Fascists and white supremacists are meeting in Berkeley to try to intimidate us and incite violence. We’re meeting near UC Berkeley campus, blocks away and on the other side of the downtown, for a peaceful rally to speak to each other about the world we want. Join us, bring snacks, bring signs!

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The Anti-Fascist Rallies in San Francisco Today & The Sad Alt-Right Showing at Crissy Field

Alex Mak - Managing Editor

Alex Mak - Managing Editor

I'm the managing editor and co-owner of this little experiment. I enjoy covering & Publishing Bay Area News as well as writing about Arts, Culture & Nightlife.

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