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The Case for Bernie Sanders as Vice President

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After winning 4 out of 5 states in Tuesday’s primary, Hillary Clinton has clear cut a path to the Democratic nomination for president.  She’s got 2,755 delegates (more than the 2,383 needed) and has won 27 states including all the biggest hitters (CA, NY, FLA, TX).  Bernie Sanders, true to form, has not conceded the race.

primary map results by state

info graphic via

Bernie’s campaign always seemed to be about more than just a primary, his message was equality, peace, & unity, a message he will continue to deliver until they force him to stop.  His idealism reverberates from the civil rights movements of the 1960s, his speeches focus on our greater good, and on what is possible if we simply stand up to corruption and greed, and do it together.  At times his message echoed Robert Kennedy, even MLK.  Bernie is a throwback, he’s a new deal democrat, in the line of FDR and Harry Truman.  He believes in strong social programs and protecting the poor and middle class.  His campaign has won tremendous support from independents, true leftists, and of course the youth of America, the idealistic next generation.

bern rally

Rally in Los Angelos photo: la times

Hillary secured 80% of the Super Delegates 6 months before primary voting even began.  She was ready.  For all we know, the VP position has already been promised to someone in exchange for delegates, or perhaps she’s got the name ‘Elizabeth Warren’ burning a hole in her pocket, or even a southerner who can lock down swing states come November.

Presidential nominees typically announce their running mates in the days and weeks leading up to the convention.  This year the Democratic convention is July 25th-28th (Philadelphia, PA), so we shouldn’t expect an announcement from Hillary or a concession from Sanders as he is gearing up for a contested convention.  But there are several strong reasons why Sen. Bernie Sanders would be a great choice for VP:

The Case for Bernie Sanders as Vice President

1. Bernie Beats Trump

In polls conducted by nearly every major media outlet, Bernie performs better against Donald Trump than Hillary does.

Poll and date Clinton vs. Trump result Sanders vs. Trump result
CNN/ORC, 2/24-2/27 Clinton +6 Sanders +12
Fox News, 2/15-2/17 Clinton +5 Sanders +15
Quinnipiac, 2/10-2/15 Clinton +1 Sanders +6
USA Today/Suffolk, 2/11-2/15 Trump +2 Trump +1
Public Policy Polling, 2/2-2/3 Clinton +7 Sanders +4
Quinnipiac, 2/2, 2/4 Clinton +5 Sanders +10
NBC-Wall St. Journal, 1/9-1/13 Clinton +10 Sanders +15

Via –

2.  President of the Senate

The Vice President is the President of the US Senate.  Bernie Sanders is a very effective legislator.  When Bernie was in the House of Representatives between 1994-2006, he passed more amendments than any other representative, and he did it as an Independent candidate in a Republican controlled House.  Which by all accounts is nothing short of miraculous.  As Vice President Bernie would oversee a Senate in which he has already served two terms. He would no doubt make an incredible left arm for the oval office, inside the legislative branch.

111th US Senate Class

111th US Senate Class

3. Favorability Rating

Bernie’s likeability rating is much higher than Hillary’s or Trump’s.  According to the Huffington Post while Bernie is +8 favorable, Hillary is -14, and Trump is – 22.  Trump and Hillary are the least liked nominees since 1980 according to the staticians at


4.  Voter Turnout

Over 12 million people voted for Bernie this primary. He routinely won 80% of the millennial vote, and he attracts ‘yuge’ crowds wherever he goes.  Strongly independent voters, young people, and true lefties may very well stay at home if Bernie leaves the race, and as history proves, Democrats win when voter turnout is high.

bernie rally

Bernie Rally Portland. Photo

5. Intangibles

If you are tired of the statistics and polls telling you what to think, simply watching this video may help you make up your mind…and keep in mind that putting Bernie Sanders on the ticket means having the first New Deal Democrat on ballot since FDR & Harry Truman, and that is not my observation, it is Noam Chomski’s.  Sanders brings hope, idealism, youth, honesty, and positivity to a ticket that may desperately need it.

Following a private meeting with President Barack Obama at the white house today Bernie said:

“I spoke briefly to Secretary Clinton on Tuesday night and I congratulated her on her very strong campaign, 
I look forward to meeting with her in the near future to see how we can work together to defeat Donald Trump and to create a government which represents all of us, and not just the one percent.”

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Alex Mak - Managing Editor

Alex Mak - Managing Editor

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