
20 Sep 2016

How to Choose A Dating App in 2016

All the relevant dating apps, and a chart that guides you through all of them easily

Candace Cui - Actual Unicorn 0
20 Sep 2016

The Music at Folsom Street Fair is Pretty Awesome This Year

Along with sex positive performances, exhibitions & parties, the food, the drinks, & the beautiful SF Freaks. There is are some fucking great bands performing as well

Monsieur Sponsor 0
19 Sep 2016

The Best Bloody Marys in San Francisco

After the San Francisco Bloody Mary Festival I needed a cold shower. It wasn’t just that some of the cocktails were orgasmic (they were) or that I went to the fest with a head cold and a fever (I did): it was more that the venue was warm and the drinks were spicy and after downing 13 of the city’s best Marys, mama needed to cool down.

Guest Writer 0
19 Sep 2016

10 Secrets of Cal Berkeley’s Campus

The freshman are all moved in and classes have started at my alma mater. Back when I was an undergrad at Cal, I used to give campus tours to the pledges in my sorority and kept it up during the years I worked at Hillel post-graduation. Since it looks like

Amiee Kushner 0
16 Sep 2016

Flying To New York City on 9/11

“I remember this was being worked on back then. So it was surrounded scaffolding. And days after 9/11 it was just plastered in ‘Have You Seen Me’ fliers. I mean, covered. It was heart breaking. And the smell. It was just like death, everywhere.”

Sam Devine 0
16 Sep 2016

Why Selfie Sticks Will Ruin Your Vacation & Your Life

There are occasions where a selfie stick would allow for a photo that cannot ever be taken again. I can vouch for that: I went to the city of Palmyra some time around the turn of the millennium and I was the only person there. Thus I have no picture

15 Sep 2016

Naked Decorated Bodies Coming to SF Ferry Building

“This is an art event exhibiting a wide variety of body decoration. Our bodies are the art work. This is a “bare as you dare” event, which means that participants (and spectators) can attend completely naked if they wish. However, since it is a body art event, participants (including nudists) are encouraged to decorate their bodies in some manner. Decorating can include tattoos, body paint, jewelry (including genital jewelry), hennas, costumes and “leather gear”.

Alex Mak - Managing Editor 0

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So I can send you awesome freebies, weird events, incredible articles, and gold doubloons (note: one of these is not true).


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