
Decadence & Debauchery at The Soiled Dove
Decadence, debauchery, and delicious drinks; Vau De Vire Society has done it again! This time the party to be at is their circus infused dinner theater party, The Soiled Dove. For the next three weeks The Soiled Dove is going to be running out at Ferry Point in Alameda every

Take a Look, It’s in a Book….
Attention readers! Clear your Sunday schedule, because on May 21 the 2017 Oakland Book Festival – Read.Debate.Celebrate is happening. The theme this year being “Equality & Inequality”. If you are are like me (an out and proud book-aphile) and a whole day dedicated to books, literary debates, ideological and social norm

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

What GHB Dosage is Right For You?
A handy guide and light read to educate the individual that has been curious about GHB (Gamma Hydroxybutyrate) for personal consumption.

Stuck inside? Trim Your Bush!
Breaking news! It’s been raining, kind of a lot, and with no indication of it ceasing anytime soon. In these moist times we live in, why not stay inside and give the ol’ bush some attention. What possibly better rainy day activity is there besides hunkering down and pruning the

Oakland Music Festival was a Premium, Bangin’ Event Not to Miss
Last week was the 4th annual OMF (Oakland Music Festival for those that don’t know) and, hot damn, was it an intensely packed week of much of the glorious local music Oakland has to offer. This year’s festival set up completely different from last year’s event; which was an all

Sexy Clowns & a Music Orgy in the East Bay
The tent was situated in the middle of a huge empty lot, no signs or reassurance that I wasn’t about to walk into some American Horror Story scenario. I started the night of the Bohemian Carnival’s 10 year anniversary party rolling around the deserted industrial bay coast of Alameda until I

Best Drinking Patios in Oakland (Ish)
Aww, Summer. A favorite time of the year, for it is socially accepted, nay, encouraged to drink outside in as little of clothing as possible. To help aid you in this glorious quest, I offer a list of some of the best patios is Oakland(ish) area to get your ass

Kava Lounge SF Opens, Sober People Rejoice!
If you are like me, you may have heard a myriad of half ass explanations and stories of what kava is: sober people dig it, indigenous people of xxx used it for spiritual shit your white ass doesn’t understand, so on and so forth.